2012 U.S. Championships News

Meet the Players: GM Marc Arnold

GM Marc Arnold had a big 2012, winning the U.S. Junior Closed Championship, securing the grandmaster title and beginning his first year of college at Indiana University.


By Brian Jerauld

Your invitation to the 2013 U.S. Championships comes as a result of you winning the 2012 U.S. Junior Closed Championship. How, if at all, has your approach to the game changed since that time?  Do you feel pressure to perform because this is a bigger stage?

My approach to the game has not changed much. I just try to play my game no matter what. I've played in some pretty competitive events before so I don't feel too much pressure; I just want to play to the best of my ability 

You graduated high school and took a one-year break before entering Indiana University in 2012. What was the year off like? What did it do for your chess career, and your life?

I think that the year off was beneficial. It helped me mature as a person and get me ready for college. I achieved the grandmaster title which was important to my chess career as well as gaining experience in tougher tournaments. 

How has your experience been at Indiana, so far? What degrees are you interested in? Do people around campus know you are a Grandmaster?

 My experience at Indiana has been great so far. I'm interested in business, maybe finance. I'm not totally sure yet. Some people around campus know that I'm a grandmaster and most of my friends know.

How do you think your gift at chess has shaped your young life? What kind of doors has it opened for you?

 Chess has been a huge part of my young life. it has definitely had a huge impact on me in a good way. It's opened many doors for me. I would say that people respect chess and the people who play it. It is assumed that if you are good at chess you are a smart person.

Do you see chess in your long-term future, i.e. after graduation?

I want to continue playing chess for the rest of my life. I doubt I will be a professional chess player, but I want to continue to play in tournaments whenever I get the chance to.

Meet the Players: John Bryant

FM John Bryant earned his seat to the U.S. Championship by winning the U.S. Junior Open.

By Brian Jerauld

The USCF lists your first tournament as the Walter Stiern Tournament in Bakersfield, CA on Jan. 8, 2000. Since then, you have played in a tournament nearly every month for 13 years – even picking up that pace over the past couple years. So, do you like chess, or what?

Yes, I like chess. Honestly, I played a lot more tournaments when I was younger than now. I play chess for aesthetic purposes, but I also played to learn about myself. I express myself in chess. I play my own moves. I like the creative aspect of chess, without that it'd be boring.

Do you have a limit to how much chess you can take in a day? Do you ever get sick of chess? What do you do to “get away?”

I'm hardly addicted to chess. I hardly ever play or study. I do often play chess variants though, namely bughouse and Tempest Chess. I also like basketball.

Are there any additional non-chess realted interests? 

 I'm interested in acting, business, economics, and entrepreneurial endeavors in general. 

Your stepfather is GM Enrico Sevillano. How important has he been to your chess development?

He came into my life when I was 1800. What I've taken away from him is his encouragement to play deep and study more. I've learned some of his openings, and just his presence and interactions with me profoundly affected my analytical process.

Some people argue that becoming elite in chess means you’re born with something special. Do you feel special? Or are you just proof that anything can be done with a little dedication?

I feel special, but I'll feel less special if I get blown away here. Hopefully, I'll make a strong showing!

Meet the Players: GM Melikset Khachiyan

GM Melikset Khachiyan has recently picked up a spate of rating points to earn a wildcard bid to the 2013 U.S. Championship.

By Brian Jerauld

Who helped you prepare for the 2013 U.S. Championships? Could you explain how you use that help in your preparation?

No one helped me prepare for the U.S. Championship; I'm preparing by myself. It's all about going over the games of my opponents and my games with the help of a computer.

Have computers changed your understanding of the game? If so, what adjustments have you made?

Computers have indeed changed the way I prepare, searching for more truth in chess. And obviously today almost every GM needs a strong computer to help, but it's doesn't really affect [a player's] style or anything.

You have recently gained many rating points, from 2534 last October to as high as 2625 this March! What is your secret?

It's all about motivation. Just one day (a special thanks to my students for pushing me), I realized  that ... I just wanted to get back to 2600, without even thinking about playing in the U.S. Championship. I just wanted to prove to myself that I can still do this, that I can compete at a high level. When you play every game full of energy and concentration, then you have a chance to play better and get some good results. And after one of my good events in San Diego, I realized I might have a chance to compete at the U.S. Championship, and that gave me extra motivation as well.

How could chess in the United States be improved?

Chess needs to be more popular. Chess in Schools programs will help continue to improve the situation all around the U.S., but we are doing great now. Look at our growing generation: Kayden Troff and Sam Sevian. It means we are on the right track!

The Veresov has been regarded by some as “incorrect,” yet you still play the opening despite its bad reputation. Do you know something other GMs do not?

The Veresov is risky opening, and I use it mostly in speed chess, or sometimes in Swiss tournaments against weaker opponents to surprise them. But it is an incorect opening. Besides me? I dont' think so! I'm probably most famous one. Haha!

Meet the Players: GM Varuzhan Akobian

GM Varuzhan Akobian spent the past month serving as the CCSCSL's Resident Grandmaster.

By Brian Jerauld

You just finished a stint as the Resident Grandmaster at the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis – also the venue of the 2013 U.S. Championships. Does your familiarity give you any “home court advantage” over the rest of the field?

I am not sure about having  "home-court advantage," but I will be more familiar with the Club and my surroundings. I hope to feel more comfortable during the tournament!

You were featured on MTV’s True Life in an episode titled “I’m a Genius.” Even more recent, you were the cover story of Chess Life (Mar. 2013). Some superstars thrive in the spotlight, others prefer to stay away from center stage .. how do you handle the fame?

I try to be as natural as I can ... It doesn't matter I am in front of a camera or not. I think if a chess player can bring (media) attention on TV or magazines that it will be great for the popularization of chess in general.

FOX Sports Midwest is covering this year’s tournament. What do you think it will take for America to embrace chess like it does with other niche or even mainstream sports?

I think with good marketing and commentators who can explain to the audience simple and clear way, chess can definitely be on TV, like poker for example.

Chess has taken you to some great locations, all over the world. But now you live in Kansas. Is chess the most fun thing to do in Kansas?

Not really, but Topeka is a small and relaxing place to live compared to LA where I lived for 11 years.

You had a fantastic 2012 season in the U.S. Chess League, where you played to a 2748 performance rating and led the Seattle Sluggers to a 5-1 record in matches in which you played. What kind of differences do you see between the USCL and professional, over-the-board chess? Do you put an equal amount of emphasis and value on each?

I take each USCL game very seriously like it's a real over-the-board tournament game, and I spend hours sometimes to prepare for each opponet. It's a little bit different feeling when you play online since you don't see your opponents, but at the crucial moments you can feel how competitive each team is.

Meet the Players: Iryna Zenyuk

Iryna Zenyuk balances chess with a rigorous academic life.

By Brian Jerauld

As we lead up to the 2013 U.S. Championships, we'll be running a series of question-and-answer pieces designed to get you better acquainted with this year's field. Introducing: WIM Iryna Zenyuk.

You mentioned how the Internet has democratized chess by making game databases easily available. You also take lessons from your coach in the Ukraine over Skype. What are your thoughts on how technology is changing the way chess is played today?

The chess culture is changing where technology plays a big role by bringing the quality of chess to a whole new level. I remember discussing board games with bridge players at the 1st World Mind Games a few years ago whose main argument to why bridge is superior to chess was that engines can never solve bridge as there is human element to it. I think of branching of chess variations in a typical game as being fractal (i.e. self-similar) and resembling natural systems such as snowflakes, trees and coastlines. Like these natural systems chess is extremely complex in its design and solving it by brute force will require not only quantum computing but also brilliant minds. Thus, I am not too worried about technology drastically changing the way chess is played today, but it does have profound impact on culture, training and preparation we see nowadays. Overall, with computer engines and training tools available we see more players becoming very good at a very young age. Clearly, geography becomes less of a factor with a current No. 1 chess player and World Championship runner-up, Magnus Carlsen being one example, from Norway, which is not on the list of top-10 chess countries. But these are positive things, and I am happy to be part of the era where these changes are taking place!

Do you think the easy access to chess will help see greater representation by countries who have otherwise gone unrepresented?

I definitely hope so. Let me give you one example. Over spring break I went on a University trip to a children's home Urukundo in Rwanda. I met many wonderful people and absolutely loved the local hospitality of this Central African country. Anywhere I went there was always someone who wanted to play a friendly chess game. For example, when visiting the CMU campus there, a local student challenged me to a match, and I was very surprised when he pulled out a tournament chess set from his back-pack. He played fast, confident chess and knew his openings well, and this was no accident as nowadays you can improve your game from the Internet. Surely, there is more to it than getting access to information; there has to be some kind of chess infrastructure built: chess in schools, in everyday life, access to tournaments, parents encouragement etc. but this is as good as an early step can be. If people like playing chess and are willing to spend their time on the game then with Internet and access to chess information we will surely see chess being less geographically polarized and see more stories of chess changing people's lives and open not-thought of before opportunities and make the world a friendlier place.

Many players balance chess with professional jobs or higher education. But you’re balancing the highest level of chess with the highest level of schooling – a doctorate program at Carnegie Mellon University. How do you prioritize between finals and the national championship?

The U.S. Women's Championship is the event of the year for me, so I try my best to prepare well for it. Many of my friends and family are rooting for me and this adds responsibility as well as motivates me to do well. My responsibility as a fourth year PhD student in the lab is mostly research, so finals do not burden my chess preparation as I haven't been taking any classes in the past two years or so.

Your hope is to advance renewable energy technology through your work in mechanical engineering. You mentioned chess is your passion, but engineering is how you see yourself giving back to society. Does that mean chess is nearing its endgame in your life?

Chess has always been a big part of my life, and it might not be the top priority now or in the future, but I believe one can always find time for something that one likes doing. Also, I am very passionate about the research I am doing in electrochemistry and energy storing devices and am planning to remain in academia - eventually getting a tenure-track faculty position, which is extremely competitive and requires a high degree of dedication. Academic research and chess are very similar if one comes to compare them. They both are intellectually stimulating and competitive. To become good in either endeavor one needs to spend thousands of hours in deliberate practice. What I really like about chess and academia careers as there are objective factors to determine your rank, in chess being rating and in academia being your publications. Both activities take place in relatively small communities; it is almost like being a part of a big family. Most importantly, the two fields are all about solving problems, and it is no surprise that I really enjoy both.

Beyond chess and renewable energy, how many more hours do you have left in the day? What do you do with them?

There are rhythms to a working life. Certain months and weeks are filled with high-priority research tasks, weekends included, then I reluctantly occupy myself with any distractions, as these are very productive times. When I am not in deep-work mode or not at chess tournaments there is time for reflection, physical activity such as intramural volleyball leagues and dance classes, social life, TV, cooking and studying the Mandarin language.

Meet the Players: All About the Benjamins

GM Joel Benjamin and GM Ben Finegold analyze their game at the 2010 U.S. Championship with WGM Jennifer Shahade.

By Brian Jerauld

As we lead up to the 2013 U.S. Championships, we'll be running a series of question-and-answer pieces designed to get you better acquainted with this year's field. Today, it's all about the Benjamins: Joel Benjamin and Ben Finegold.

Q&A with Grandmaster Joel Benjamin

You have always been clutch on the biggest of stages, including wins of the U.S Junior Championships twice (1980, 1982) and the U.S. Championship three times (1987, 1997, 2000). Does your secret come from behind-the-scenes preparation or performance under pressure?

I really don't consider myself a clutch player at all. For all those successes, there were lots of bitter defeats, too. I've come to realize not every story has a happy ending. The key is to block out the context and focus on the moves.

You were hired by IBM to help design Deep Blue, the first chess program to defeat World Champion Garry Kasparov in 1997. How was that entire experience, and how does it feel to know you helped the machines win?

Machines? I worked on a machine with a bunch of other people (cool and admirable people at that). I always thought the Man vs. Machine stuff was hyperbole. You want that, watch the Terminator. Deep Blue was a chance to work on a unique project and test my ideas and skills against the best player in the world. It was an awesome experience, and it felt great to win. It's just a shame Kasparov was such a sore loser; that sapped some of the pleasure out of it.

How did it feel to have broken Bobby Fischer’s record as the youngest-ever U.S. master and what did the title mean to you over your career? What was it like seeing your own record broken, first by Stuart Rachels and now held by Awonder Liang?

It was quite an honor, especially since the record belonged to Fischer, and it was only a few years after he won the title. But records are made to be broken, and I didn't miss this one when it was gone. 

You were inducted into the World Chess Hall of Fame on May 2, 2008. Where does an achievement like that rank in your career? The WCHOF has since been relocated right across the street from the 2013 U.S. Championships in St. Louis. Will have you have time to stop in and look for your name?

To make the Hall of Fame is the ultimate vindication of everything a player has gone through in a career. I'm very proud of that honor. I was inducted at the Hall when it was still in Florida, and got to see my exhibit there. But I haven't been to the new museum yet and look forward to checking it out when I'm in town.

To put it mildly, you have had an amazing career. Can you pick a high point?

It's been a terrific journey. I'm proudest of my success against my friends and colleagues in winning three U.S. championships, and my strong results alongside them in several Olympiads and World Team Championships. If I had to narrow it down, I would say the 1997 title because I had thought my career might be over, and the two gold medals in the 1993 World Team Championship.


Q&A with Grandmaster Ben (Benjamin) Finegold

You were the Resident GM at the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis for three years until 2012, and you are still, at the very least, a regular face there. Do you feel any “home-court advantage” for the 2013 U.S. Championship?

Yes. I think it is helpful that I can stay at my home and that I am more familiar with the Chess Club and the surrounding area.

Have you had any special preparation for the 2013 U.S. Championships? You recently tied for first in the Saint Louis Open, in early April. Is it safe to say you are headed into the Championships “hot?”

I am trying to lose weight and do easy tactical puzzles on the internet. I have lost 34 pounds in the last 7 months, but I need to lose a lot more. Nothing really special. Once I know my opponent and color each day, I will likely do 4-6 hours of prep per game, which is normal. I don't believe in "hot," I just believe in good moves. I will try to play well.

Your father, Ronald; your brother, Mark; and your son, Spencer, have all been USCF masters at one point in their lives. How often do you remind the three of them that you are a GM? What are your thoughts on genetics and chess?

I think we are all happy I became a GM. Genetics? Meh ... I think it is mainly nurture. I was brought up in a chess family. I liked chess a lot as a kid, and the reason I am higher ranked than my brother is that he stopped playing. I think if you love the game, and play a lot, and try hard to improve, that trumps genetics. If you don't agree we can bet $1.

At what point of your life did you realize you wanted to take chess to a professional level? What happened after that moment? How did your approach change?

I think even at a quite young age I wanted to be a chess player. I was not very good until I was 10. I played a lot of tournaments from ages 6-9, but not too successfully. Then, at ages 10-14, I really started to improve. So, maybe at age 10-12 was when I seriously thought about being a chess player. I don't think I had a new approach, as Bobby famously said, "I just got good."

You lived in Belgium for many years. Do you think chess is bigger in Europe, or other parts of the world, than it is in America? If so, what will it take for the U.S. to catch up to speed?

Chess is more highly thought of in Europe. More coverage in mainstream TV and newspapers, magazines, etc. Of course, the CCSCSL is doing all it can to change the chess perception in America. I think two things can help American Chess. 1) An American World Champion 2) Huge corporate sponsorship of top-level events. Will either happen soon? Maybe not, but maybe over the next 15-20 years, both will happen!
