by IM Kostya Kavutskiy
GM Sam Sevian and IM Nazi Paikidze were the sole winners on the first day of the 2023 U.S. Chess Championships, picking up the early lead as several players missed decisive opportunities in their games.
Check out the full replay of live coverage from the day here. Both events feature a 12-player round-robin format, with a time control of 90 minutes for 40 moves, followed by an additional 30 minutes with a 30-second increment starting from move one.
U.S. Championship
The tournament started off with all four top seeds facing off against each other, as Aronian was paired White against Caruana, and So against Dominguez. Both games were drawn without much drama, as was the game Xiong-Mishra. Missing an early chance was the 2018 U.S. Champion GM Sam Shankland, who didn’t notice that his opponent, GM Andrew Tang blundered with his move-order in the London System:
Tang-Shankland: 5…Qxb2! would have been a real cold shower, as 6.Nb5 Ne4! wins a second pawn for Black.
An early miss for Shankland, who jested that both players should be kicked out of the tournament. | Photo courtesy of Saint Louis Chess Club, Lennart Ootes
After missing this chance Shankland managed to gain an extra pawn in a rook endgame, but Tang defended precisely to hold the draw. Meanwhile the game Niemann-Swiercz saw both players overlook opportunities, first Niemann who decided against a promising rook sacrifice, then Swiercz who could have reached a winning endgame with an extra exchange.
Niemann-Swiercz: with less than a minute on his clock, Niemann couldn’t convince himself to play 32.Nxg5!, with a potent attack after 32…hxg5 33.Rf1 (heading to f5).
A near-brilliancy for GM Hans Niemann. | Photo courtesy of Saint Louis Chess Club, Lennart Ootes
The only winner in the event was Sevian, who was in deep trouble against Robson out of the opening, as Robson had caught Sevian’s king in the center of the board. But a misstep allowed Sevian to untangle his position, and eventually overtake the initiative, scoring a decisive point.
Robson-Sevian: 42…Kg8! was a cold-blooded shot, preparing Rf8 and intending Qg5+ in case of Rxe7.
Although he was in real danger, the recent Chess9LX champion completely turned things around. | Photo courtesy of Saint Louis Chess Club, Lennart Ootes
U.S. Championship – Round 2 Pairings
U.S. Women’s Championship
A critical match-up to kick off the tournament took place between top seed and eight-time champion GM Irina Krush against 2021 winner IM Carissa Yip. Although Krush achieved a completely winning position against Yip’s King’s Indian, she failed to capitalize and was even losing at one point, with the game eventually drawn.
Krush-Yip: 31.Ng4! would have made life very difficult for Black.
GM Irina Krush had a golden opportunity today, but let a key rival off the hook. | Photo courtesy of Saint Louis Chess Club, Lennart Ootes
The games Yu-Abrahamyan, Zatonskih-Pourkashiyan, Yan-Cervantes, and Lee-Tokhirjonova were also drawn, with reigning champion WGM Jennifer Yu spoiling a large advantage in a middlegame with opposite colored bishops. Tokhirjonova also had Lee on the ropes, who eventually escaped in a drawn endgame.
The 2022 champion also built up a nice position, but couldn’t convert against Abrahamyan. | Photo courtesy of Saint Louis Chess Club, Crystal Fuller
The lone winner was two-time champion IM Nazi Paikidze, who found an incredible resource in order to convert a position with a full extra queen against FM Ashritha Eswaran:
Paikidze-Eswaran: 41.Kh4!! was the only winning move, with idea 41…Qe2 42.Qxg7+!! Kxg7 43.Bc3+ and mate next move.
The two-time champ (Paikidze) started off with a strong bid for her third national title. | Photo courtesy of Saint Louis Chess Club, Lennart Ootes
U.S. Women’s Championship – Round 2 Pairings
The 2023 U.S. Chess Championships continue tomorrow, October 6th, starting at 1:20 PM CDT. Catch all the action live with grandmaster commentators Yasser Seirawan, Cristian Chirila, and Katerina Nemcova on and on the Saint Louis Chess Club’s YouTube and channels.