2016 Champions Showdown

Elista 2006: World Championship Crisis - Chessbase News

Topalov - Fri, 09/29/2006 - 2:00am
Elista 2006: World Championship Crisis  Chessbase News

Game five was not played, Kramnik foreited and all sides seem unable to give way to compromise. The World Championship and FIDE is in its deepest crisis ...

Topalov threatens to abandon the World Championship Match - Chessbase News

Topalov - Thu, 09/28/2006 - 2:00am
Topalov threatens to abandon the World Championship Match  Chessbase News

Breaking news: Veselin Topalov, through his manager Silvio Danialov, has cast suspicion on the behaviour of Vladimir Kramnik, who is leading 3-1 in their world ...

Trophy vs Trophy - ChessBase

Topalov - Sat, 09/23/2006 - 2:00am
Trophy vs Trophy  ChessBase


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