Rapid Chess – 2015 Showdown in Saint Louis

Round 1 Hikaru came out guns blazing, playing an opening that might be more appropriate for 960 than for top level chess. However, it worked! Caruana found himself very quickly in a difficult position, and had to come from behind. White was unable to find the best continuations, and it was actually Nakamura that had […]
Fischer Random – 2015 Showdown in Saint Louis

Fischer Random chess has been a controversial chess variant for some time. With the semi-random way the game starts (there are positions that cannot be played as they give White too big of an advantage), it is impossible to predict exactly how the games will begin and therefore it is impossible to have any kind […]
Basque Chess – Showdown in Saint Louis

Nakamura vs. Caruana The Basque chess games started with some exciting developments. It is difficult to juggle two games of chess at the same time, especially against such strong opposition. In the Nakamura vs. Caruana game, the number one player in America essayed the Trompowsky opening; however, it was not successful at all. Fabi gained […]