
IM Luke Harmon Vellotti fell to GM Kayden Troff in round 6, and then Troff

IM Jeffrey Xiong still leads the field with a score of 4.5/6, but faces his

Ben Finegold and Aviv Friedman interview Matt Larson after his round 5 victory over Alex

Jeffrey Xiong, 13, is playing in his third U.S. Junior Closed Championship in Saint Louis.

IM Sam Sevian, one of the pre-tournament favorites, got on the board with a victory

GM Kayden Troff looks to be in top form through the first two rounds of

Joshua Colas and Justus Williams each scored huge upset victories in round 1 of the

Senate Chaplin Barry Black, Sam Sevian, Aksithi Eswaran, Jeffrey Xiong and Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO)

Jeffrey Xiong is the No. 2-ranked 13-year-old in the nation behind Sam Sevian. SAINT LOUIS

GMs Gata Kamsky and Irina Krush each turned in undefeated performances to win their respective