
FM Luke Harmon-Vellotti has notched two miraculous come-from-behind wins in consecutive rounds to take the

Robert Perez has overcome a slow start, winning hsi last three games to pull into

IM Daniel Naroditsky, the top seed entering the tournament, leads the U.S. Junior Closed Championship

GM Magnus Carlsen will headline the Sinquefield Cup, which will feature four of the top-ten

FM Luke Harmon-Vellotti sits atop the leaderboard with 2.5 points after three rounds. By Brian

FM Atulya Shetty, the reigning K-12 Champion, is tied with IM Victor Shen after two

FM Jeffrey Xiong was unable to overcome the field’s top seed, IM Daniel Naroditsky, in

Luke Harmon-Vellotti, 14, will take on Kayden Troff, 15, in round one of the U.S.
IM Kayden Troff is hoping to follow-up his GM Norm performance at the U.S. Championship

SAINT LOUIS (June 3, 2013) — The Sinquefield Cup, originally scheduled to be held in