The Field

The Junior Closed Field Loading… Curran Han Title: Rating: Federation: Age: Bio: Tag: 2015 U.S. Junior Closed Championship Awonder Liang Title: Rating: Federation: Age: Bio: Tag: 2015 U.S. Junior Closed Championship Mika Brattain Title: Rating: Federation: Age: Bio: Tag: 2015 U.S. Junior Closed Championship Arthur Shen Title: Rating: Federation: Age: Bio: Tag: 2015 U.S. Junior […]


Videos Missed some of the broadcast from the 2015 U.S. Junior Closed? Not to worry! Catch up on all the action with Yasser Seirawan, Maurice Ashley and Jennifer Shahade.

The Commentators

The Commentators GM Ben Finegold2587 (USCF) | 2500 (FIDE)U.S. Open Champion Grandmaster Ben Finegold learned the rules of chess at age 5 and received his first USCF rating at age 6. It wasn’t long, around his mid-teens, until he realized he wanted to play chess professionally. GM Finegold’s first major tournament win came in 1989 […]

2015 U.S. Junior Closed Championship

2015 U.S. Junior Closed Championship Meet the Players (USCF June supplement) IM Jeffery Xiong (2606) IM Akshat Chandra (2589) FM Michael Bodek (2527) IM Luke Harmon-Vellotti (2526) FM Ruifeng Li (2502) IM Yian Liou (2501) FM Arthur Shen (2477) NM Mika Brattain (2457) FM Awonder Liang (2428) NM Curran Han (2211) To see more detailed […]


Regulations Tournament Regulations The 2015 U.S. Junior Closed Championship shall be a 10-player tournament paired as a Round Robin. Prompt Arrival: Players are expected to arrive promptly for their games. Players not at their board at the beginning of each round may receive a fine of $200 to be deducted from their prize for each […]