The Field

The Field Loading… Zhansaya Abdumalik Title: Rating: Federation: Age: Bio: Tag: 2017 Spring Chess Classic Sandro Mareco Title: Rating: Federation: Age: Bio: Tag: 2017 Spring Chess Classic Ioan-Cristian Chirila Title: Rating: Federation: Age: Bio: Tag: 2017 Spring Chess Classic Varuzhan Akobian Title: Rating: Federation: Age: Bio: Tag: 2017 Spring Chess Classic Andrey Baryshpolets Title: Rating: […]

Recap Videos

Recap Videos Day 1 – Recap Day 2 – Recap Day 3 – Recap Day 4 – Recap Day 5 & 6 – Recap Day 7 – Recap Day 8 – Recap Final Day – Recap

2017 Spring Chess Classic

2017 Spring Chess Classic The 2017 Spring Chess Classic is the second of four tournaments each year featuring international chess professionals. The Spring Chess Classic is comprised of two 10-player Round Robin tournaments and one 6-player Double Round Robin. Over the course of 10 days, these competitors will battle for more than $50,000 in prize […]