Pairings & Results
Pairings & Results Sorry, but your web browser does not support iframes. 2021 U.S. Junior Championships Replay Overview 2021 U.S. Junior Championship The Field Pairings & Results 2021 U.S. Girls’ Junior Championship The Field Pairings & Results Recap Articles Regulations
The Field
The Field Loading… Sanjana Vittal Title: Rating: Federation: Age: Bio: Tag: Susanna Ulrich Title: Rating: Federation: Age: Bio: Tag: Sheena Zeng Title: Rating: Federation: Age: Bio: Tag: Alice Lee Title: Rating: Federation: Age: Bio: Tag: Ruiyang Yan Title: Rating: Federation: Age: Bio: Tag: Sophie Morris-Suzuki Title: Rating: Federation: Age: Bio: Tag: Rochelle Wu Title: Rating: […]
Sanjana Vittal

Susanna Ulrich

Sheena Zeng

Alice Lee

Ruiyang Yan

Sophie Morris-Suzuki

Rochelle Wu

Martha Samadashvili