Format Summary
The Champions Showdown is a series of four matches from September 2nd through the 5th. The players will face each other in a series of Fischer Random games at rapid and blitz time controls.
Fischer Random
Chess 960, also known as Fischer Random Chess, is a variant of the game in which the starting row of pieces is randomized. In so doing, players may not rely on memorization and computer analysis to play their game.
In the Champions Showdown, each round will begin with the same starting position on all boards, and new positions will be drawn after every fourth game according to the Schedule of Events. If the standard starting position is randomly selected, it shall be discarded and a new position shall be drawn.
Positions will be drawn in the playing hall. Once drawn, players will have time to prepare, but must remain in the playing hall. Players may have a second to assist, but may not use electronic devices such as computers or phones. The Chess Club’s video production team will have the right to record players during their preparation and may use that content on the show.
- Prompt Arrival: Players are expected to arrive promptly each day. Players not at their board at the beginning of each round may receive a fine of $1,000 to be deducted from their prize for each occurrence. Players more than 10 (ten) minutes late for a round may forfeit that round. Players who withdraw or forfeit a game may not receive any prize money.
- No Cell Phones: No cell phones or other electronic devices shall be allowed in the tournament area. Any violation of this policy will result in a fine of $500 to be deducted from Player’s prize for each occurrence. In addition to the fine, a violation involving a cell phone or other electronic device that emits any noise during a game shall result in forfeiture of that game. If a violation occurs in subsequent games, the same penalties shall apply.
- Time Controls & Scoring:
- Six (6) rapid games at G/30 with a 10-second delay. Each rapid game is worth 2 points.
- Fourteen (14) blitz games at G/5 with a 5-second delay. Each blitz game is worth 1 point.
- Chief Arbiter Discretion: In the event of an unexpected occurrence, the Chief Arbiter reserves the right to make all decisions in conjunction with or on behalf of the CHESS CLUB.
- Tied Players: All prizes will be divided evenly among all tied players.
- Regulations: Where not otherwise specified, the event shall be governed by the FIDE Laws of Chess.