2019 Midwest Collegiate Championship Regulations
- Format: The 2019 Midwest Collegiate Championships shall be treated as two back-to-back events that include a 9-round Swiss System blitz tournament and a 5-round Swiss System classical tournament.
- Arbitration:
- The tournament is played according to the FIDE Laws of Chess.
- The rapidplay/blitz rules for inadequate supervision shall apply.
- The tournament is supervised by the chief arbiter with the help of deputy arbiters.
- In the first instance, decisions are taken by a deputy arbiter.
- A player has the right to immediately appeal to the chief arbiter against the decision of a deputy arbiter.
- Decisions of the chief arbiter are final.
- Registration
- There shall be no entry fee for the 2019 Midwest Collegiate Championships.
- This event is open to students of any post-secondary school (university, college, community college) in the Midwest (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin). Schools may register as many players as they like.
- The 2019 Midwest Collegiate Championships shall use FIDE standard ratings for pairing purposes for all participants. If a player does not have a standard FIDE rating, their US Chess standard rating shall be adapted.
- All chess equipment, including clocks, sets and boards will be provided by the organizer.
- Players may register by contacting the MU Chess Team
- No half-point byes will be available. If a player must miss a round, that player shall receive a 0 point bye
- Pairings & Scoring
- The events shall be paired and scored individually.
- A win is worth 1 point, a draw is worth ½ point, and a loss is worth 0 points.
- Players from the same educational institution may be paired against each other.
- The top four individual scores from a school will count toward team prizes. If more than one team ties for first place, mathematical tiebreaks will be used to determine which team shall earn the trophy.
- Both classical and blitz events shall be submitted to US Chess and FIDE to be rated.
- Time Control
- Classical: The time control shall be game in 90 minutes, with a 30-second increment from move one (G/90+30). The default time shall be 30 minutes.
- Blitz: The time control shall be game in 3 minutes, with a 2-second increment from move one (G/3+2). The default time shall be 3 minutes.
- Awards: The 2019 Midwest Collegiate Championships shall award the following titles and trophies:
- Midwest Collegiate Blitz Champion (team)
- Midwest Collegiate Blitz Champion (individual)
- 2nd place – trophy only
- 3rd place – trophy only
- Midwest Collegiate Women’s Blitz Champion (individual)
- Midwest Collegiate Champion (team)
- Midwest Collegiate Champion (individual)
- 2nd place – trophy only
- 3rd place – trophy only
- Midwest Collegiate Women’s Champion (individual)
- Midwest Collegiate Amateur Champion (individual)
- Playoff & Tiebreak: In the event of a tie for first place in either the classical or blitz tournaments, there shall be a playoff to determine first place.
- Tiebreaks: Where needed, the following math tiebreaks will be used: 1. Solkoff, 2. Cumulative, 3. Cumulative of Opposition, 4. Coin Toss.
- Solkoff: For each player, this system sums the number of points earned by the player’s opponents. Unplayed games by the opponents count ½ point. Unplayed games by the player count zero points.
- Cumulative: To calculate this, sum the running score for each round. For example, if a player has (in order) a win, loss, win, draw, and a loss; his round-by-round score will be 1, 1, 2, 2½, 2½. The sum of these numbers is 9. Additionally, one point is subtracted from the sum for each unplayed win, and ½ point is subtracted for each unplayed draw. In the previous example, if the fourth-round draw was instead a ½ point bye, then ½ point would be subtracted and the final sum would be 8½.
- Cumulative of Opposition: This sums the cumulative scores of the player’s opponents.
- Coin Toss: If necessary, a coin toss will be the final tiebreak.
- Team Tiebreaks: If two or more teams tie for first in either the rapid or blitz event, the sum of individual tiebreaks among the four teammates shall be used.
- Armageddon: Where referenced below, an Armageddon game is defined as follows: White shall start with 5 minutes and black shall start with 4 minutes. Black shall be declared the winner if the game ends in a draw.
- Two Players: If two players are tied for first at the end of either event, they shall contest a 2-game blitz playoff, with a time control of game in 3 minutes, with a 2-second increment from move one (G/3+2). If the playoff does not produce a clear winner, an Armageddon game shall be played to determine the winner.
- More Than Two Players: If more than two players are tied for first at the end of either event, they shall contest a blitz round robin playoff, with a time control of game in 3 minutes, with a 2-second increment from move one (G/3+2). If the playoff does not produce a clear winner, a series of knockout Armageddon games shall be played to determine the winner.
- Tiebreaks: Where needed, the following math tiebreaks will be used: 1. Solkoff, 2. Cumulative, 3. Cumulative of Opposition, 4. Coin Toss.