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Fantasy Chess - Create a Team

Welcome to Fantasy Chess for the 2012 U.S. Championship and 2012 U.S. Women's Championship. New submissions are now closed, but check back regularly to see how your Fantasy Team is doing!


The Rules:

  • Create an account or log in to make your selections below.
  • For each of the groups, pick the player you think will score best. You collect one Fantasy Point for each point your player earns.
  • Next, select the player you think will be the 2012 U.S. Champion and U.S. Women's Champion; if you're right, earn 5 extra Fantasy Points for each.
  • Finally, answer the tie-break questions. If more than one Fantasy Player is tied for first, your tie-breaks will be the difference between victory and defeat!

You can click a player's name to read more about them.