Andrey Gorovets

International Master
Lubbock, TX

International Master Andrey Gorovets was born in Belarus and is enrolled at Texas Tech University in Lubbock. At the university he studies geography and has joined the Texas Tech University Chess Program.

He first learned chess at age seven and has played for twenty years. “My father taught me to play,” Gorovets said. “He showed me the game, told me the rules, and I picked it up from there. I was interested in it from the first time I was exposed to the game.”

Gorovets has one GM norm and needs two more for the title, though his 2482 rating continues to climb closer to the necessary watermark.

Gorovets would like to return to Belarus eventually, but enjoys attending school and living in the United States. He has been in this country for one year and, when he arrived, he was surprised at the differences between the U.S. and Belarus -- such as the size and scale of the U.S. For fun, he plays soccer, spends time with friends and travels. Gorovets likes his academic and social community at TTU because everyone has chess in common. With regard to travel, Gorovets has enjoyed visiting southwestern states such as New Mexico and California.