2012 U.S. Championships News

Decisive Nerves

By GM Cristian Chirila

The closer we get to the finish line, the higher the stakes are and the nerves are starting to produce the first victims. That was the case in the crucial encounter between Anna Zatonskih and Tatev Abrahamyan in which we witnessed the blunder of the tournament. In the U.S. Championship we were delighted with some top encounter and plenty of decisive games including Caruana’s shattering win as Black against the solid Lenderman. Let’s get right into the fun part and recap this crazy round!

2016 U.S. Championship

Xiong vs. So ½ - ½

This game was one of the first ones to finish, and rightfully so. Jeffery knew that trying to outprepare and outplay an elite GM is a difficult task and he decided to go for a drawing line against the wild Wesley So. Wesley knew the theory as well as the ensuing endgame and effortlessly drew his game against the talented junior. He is now trailing half a point behind Caruana and will need to produce a miracle in order to catch him.

Lenderman vs. Caruana 0-1

Fabiano explained after his game that he was not willing to take unnecessary risks. In comparison, Lenderman was ready for a fight and stated in the press conference that due to his tournament situation, he was willing to do anything in his power to get a positive result against the mighty Fabiano. Let’s see how his battlecry was expressed on the board!

Onischuk vs. Nakamura ½ - ½

This was second to last game to finish in the men’s section—a high intensity battle which could prove decisive at the end of the event. Onischuk played a dubious opening and soon found himself in the position of defending a difficult endgame with a weak isolated pawn.

Nakamura threw everything he had at his opponent but failed to miss a tricky resource (49.Be1!) that allowed White to equalize instantly. He is now trailing but a full point and has recognized that his title chances are quite slim after today.

Robson vs. Shankland ½ - ½

This is a matchup that could prove extremely influential in the bid for the 2016 Olympic team that will travel to Baku later this year. Both Robson and Shankland are among the favorites to join the big three in their attempt to fight for the gold. We were all waiting for an exciting battle with each player stressing on their qualities and trying to take advantage of their opponents mistakes; unfortunately it was nothing of that sort, with a dull game and a dull result being concluded early on.

Shabalov vs. Akobian 0-1

Both these players were going to salvage part of their tournament by scoring an important win after a never ending wave of negative results. Shabalov was coming off back-to-back loses while Akobian was in search for his first win in the 2016 U.S. Championship. It was only one of them that would obtain what they wanted and today that was Akobian. After a fairly balanced opening and middlegame, the players entered an endgame that was slightly superior for Black, nothing more than that. Unfortunately for Shabalov, he was the first one to blink as he blundered with 28. Rb8 which allowed for a quick finish after 28…Rxf2. An important victory for Akobian, and a terrible loss for Shaba.

Kamsky vs. Chandra 1-0

Kamsky has been at the top of the American chess for almost two decades now and he surely came with a very motivated mindset in this game. On the other hand, the young Chandra still had the chance of completing his final GM norm, but only if he would have won all his remaining three games—a difficult task in a routine open tournament and an almost impossible job in the U.S. Championship. Kamsky decided to take an unambitious route and try to outplay his opponent from move one. And boy was he right! Chandra comfortably equalized from the opening but failed keep the pace and the veteran finally managed to impose his will on the American Junior Champion.

Here are the matchups for round 10 of the U.S. Championship


U.S. Women’s Championship

Zatonskih vs. Abrahamyan 0-1

All the fans that have been following this event knew that this is going to be a very important match in regard to the history of this championship. The two women were ready to provide us with the best chess entertainment, which unfortunately ended up too fast.

Let’s see how the two ladies fared in this high intensity encounter.

Foisor vs. Paikidze ½ - ½

This game was definitely a short-lived story. As we approach the final rounds of the championship, it is quite often that we see very calculated decisions taken by the players in crucial situations. This game was one that belonged to the cautious category, as Sabina tried to confused her opponent with a rare line of the QID.

Nazi was happy with a draw and went for the forced 12…Nd5 which lead immediately to a perpetual.

Krush vs. Yu ½ - ½

This game was a high-intensity encounter that should have ended in a different result. The young Jennifer was in full control throughout the game and could have finished her opponent in more than one instance. Unfortunately for her, time trouble was a danger that she could not avoid and was ultimately the leading factor in the outcome of the game. After missing the easy 62...Re1+ that would have led to a massive advantage for Black, Jennifer had to convince herself that her chance slipped and had to accept the draw. Once again, Irina saves a completely losing position and maintains a striking distance to the leader.

Nemcova vs. Bykovtsev ½ - ½

Katerina has been having an oscillating event and today was one of the games that could have went terribly wrong if her opponent would have taken the given chances. White played a decent game but failed to correctly assess the middlegame and took the wrong decisions at the important junctures. There were plenty of winning moves for Black throughout the game but Agata was not able to find them and the game soon petered into an endgame.

Black was still having the upperhand but the lack of technicality was felt and Katerina managed to save a difficult position.

Gorti vs. Eswaran ½ - ½

The tension between two of the leading juniors in the country could have been felt all throughout the game. Unfortunately for the chess fans watching, that can’t be said about the moves played in this game also. The players were overly cautious and quickly stirred the game into a completely drawish opposite color bishop endgame.

Melekhina vs. Yip ½ - ½

Alisa has been having one of the worst tournaments of her life, and as she was coming into this game she knew the priority was to stop the bleeding and avoid another painful loss. The game was an extremely complex battle with the advantage switching sides quite often throughout the game. Alisa was first to have a clear middlegame advantage, but it was Yip that could have ended the game almost immediately if she would have played 46…Bxh3! Instead, she chose to win an exchange and Alisa was able to salvage a broken position. Finally the losing streak is over and Alisa can now focus on remediating her tournament situation in the last two matches.

The penultimate round will be a thriller, here are the matchups for tomorrow afternoon:

Nakamura Closes the Gap; Zatonskih Catches the Leaders

by GM Cristian Chirila

The tournament is heating up and the players are starting to feel the pressure, the effect of lowered energy, and the stress that the championship rounds are bringing to the table. There are two leaders in the U.S. Championship and a three way tie in U.S. Women’s Championship. Nakamura is making a strong comeback and he is now only half a point behind the leaders. The women’s section is catching fire as Anna Zatonskih wins a beautiful game and caught Paikidze and Abrahamyan at the top!

Let’s analyze this exciting round and see where we stand as we enter the last three rounds of this dramatic event.

2016 U.S. Championship

Caruana vs. Robson ½- ½

Fabiano was coming into round eight as the clear favorite, and his final rounds schedule suggests him as the main favorite to strip Naka off his title. One last big test that he had to pass was the Robson exam.

Unfortunately for him, Ray came off guns blazing and used an incredible preparation to equalize and ultimately force Fabiano to go for a sacrifice that led to a perpetual. Let’s give this game a closer look and get a clear idea of how you can outprepare a 2800!

So vs. Onischuk ½- ½

Wesley chose to test Onischuk in the same line Caruana defeated him just a couple of round ago. Onischuk boldly accepted the challenge and repeated the same move, he probably had some serious improvement over his previous loss, and So decided to deviate first by playing 8.d4. Onischuk knew the variation and did not stumble in his way to an inferior, but holdable endgame. Wesley never really had a chance for a serious advantage and misses his chance to surpass Caruana in the standings and become the sole leader of the tournament.

Shankland vs. Xiong ½- ½

This was a fairly uneventful game between the revenge seeking Shankland and one of the biggest sensation of the tournament, the young Jeffery Xiong (who has yet to taste defeat). As much as Shankland wanted to win, he also knew that his form is not at its peak and will not be a wise decision to go all-in against an ice cold Xiong that would penalize any inaccuracy. In an attempt to keep things down low and hopefully take out Xiong out of his preparation, Shankland opted for the Trompovsky, an opening that has not been seen in the U.S. Championship very often. Xiong played one of Kramnik’s main weapons, a strategically sound option that allows White to get a better structure in exchange for the bishop pair.

I myself played this line a few times as Black and never had any problems to prove the dynamic prospect of my bishops. The exchange spinning wheel made a natural appearance and the pieces started falling off the board at the speed of light. By move 30 there were only one pair of light pieces left on the board, the players agreed to a draw soon after the time control.

Akobian vs. Kamsky ½ - ½

Akobian and Kamsky both have had subpar events but this was one game to prove that it was everything a fluke, and their class had to be respected under any circumstances. Akobian chose a rare line in the KID by playing 6.g4!? Black had quite an interesting idea of combating White’s peculiar set-up with a combined attack in the center and on the queenside. Var managed to contain Black’s initiative and obtained a strategically better position, unfortunately for his he left himself little time and had to complete the last 20 moves in less than 2 minutes. Var should have taken the sacrifice with 17.Bg4! after which extreme complications arise, but they all seem to end up favorably for him. Instead he chose a more dull approach that did not paid off. Kamsky showed his resilient nature and the game ended after the 50th move.

Chandra vs. Lenderman 0-1

Lenderman showed why he is one of the most theoretically feared guy in the field. He wisely chose a Sicilian offbeat line that transitioned into a Pirc type of structure with the one improvement for Black that the White square bishop gets out and the “c” pawns are off the board, which gives his the important c6 square for the knight. Black easily equalized and was even better, but suddenly he chose the wrong plan and in three moves he was already almost losing.  

Luckily for Lenderman, Chandra is not in best shape and could not find the win starting after 33.Qe5! followed by Bxc5 sacrificing the piece and completely destroying Black’s king shelter. Instead, the National Junior champ allowed his opponent to get back into the game and event obtain a superior knights endgame. Lenderman had a dangerous passed pawn on the “b” file, and in Chandra’s second time trouble he managed to promote the pawn and get his first win of the tournament.

Nakamura vs. Shabalov 1-0

Nakamura obtained an important advantage out of the opening but failed to spot a few resources and allowed Black to get back into the game. In the ensuing materially unbalanced position, Nakamura managed to outsmart his opponent and place enough pressure that he would ultimately crack. Let’s give this game a closer look and see where both these players could have improved their performance.

Here are the standings after round 8:


2016 U.S. Women’s Championship

Abrahamyan vs. Krush ½ - ½

This battle was definitely the crucial one going into round 8 of the U.S. Women’s Championship as two of the three leaders were fighting against each other to maintain the edge over their competition. The game started quite badly for Tatev who quickly got into a worse position against the defending champ. Irina started her slow grind and looked as if she will be emerging victorious from this “championship” round.

The structural advantage and piece domination should have been decisive for Krush but ultimately she erred badly by playing a series of moves that diminished her advantage to the point where she actually felt endangered by Tatev’s initiative. If White would have played 40.Bf8! it is not clear whether Black would have been able to survive in the ensuing endgame. Draw and Tatev must be relieved to escape Krush’s torturous program.

Game annotation by GM Robert Hess.

Paikidze vs. Nemcova ½ - ½

Paikidze was looking to take the sole lead going into the final 3, Nemcova on the other hand was surely not complacent with a draw and would have liked to get the full point in order to start eyeing the top spots.

Nazi chose to follow the main lines this time around and picked the Catalan as her weapon of choice, but Nemcova appeared to be the better prepared player. Despite the opening failure, Nazi slowly started to outplay her opponent but failed to capitalize on her technique when she missed 26.Nxc6! Even after the game continuation, Nazi was still better and should have tortured her opponent for a longer time. Instead she chose a dubious plan and failed to spot Black’s cute 49…Rxc6! A move that sealed the draw and kept the standings up top unchanged.

Eswaran vs. Zatonskih 0-1

A French on the board. Zatonskih came very well prepared to this game and managed to fully equalize as soon as move 10. She had enough dynamics in the position to balanced her isolated pawn on the “d” file and soon her opponent decided to give a pawn in order to activate her forces. Unfortunately for White, this was not a very witty sacrifice and Zatonskih quickly increased her advantage through a series of well timed tactics. Anna accurately converted her gains and Eswaran will once again have to go back to the drawing board and try to salvage her mediocre event.

Zatonskih on the other hand maintains her high tempo and joint the leading pack with three more round to go.

Yip vs. Foisor 0-1

Sabina is slowly getting in her groove! After a slow start and a few disappointing performances she now seems like a new player and ready to climb the standings latter.

Carissa is coming off a couple of loses and seems to have slowed down after her furious start. If the Berlin is nowhere to be see these days, the French is making an appearance every round, generally in more than one game. The players followed one of the main lines of the 3.Nd2 French but Sabina seemed to have outprepared her younger opponent and equalized skillfully out of the opening. Sabina tried to complicate matter but her younger opponent managed to maintain the balance and even threaten to get an advantageous position. Unfortunately for her, it was Sabina who found a nice pawn sacrifice with 25…e3! which unleashed the dynamics of her pieces and placed Carissa under tremendous pressure. The youngster was not able to hold and blundered badly with 32.Rad1 which allowed Sabina to pin the knight decisively and win a full piece. Soon after, it was game over!

Bykovtsev vs. Gorti 0-1

The two juniors decided to play one of the sharpest line of the, you guessed it, French defense (self-proclaimed most popular opening of the U.S. Championships). It was Akshita who presumably forgot her preparation and played the dubious 17…Qf6 but in such a complex position is difficult to harshly condemn a natural looking move just because the engines don’t like it.

Agata’s 19.h4 was a difficult move to understand, as is closing the queen’s path back home, and so were her following moves. Akshita quickly finished her development and started a vicious pawn storm in the center, while keeping the opponent’s queen entrapped on the h file. Agata could not find an active plan and had to resign when her opponent’s second queen made an appearance on the board.

Yu vs. Melekhina 1-0

When you lose a game in an open tournament you usually go back to the drawing board and play an accessible opponent that will allow you to come back and restore your confidence. That is not the case in the U.S. Championships when every round you are playing the best players in the country. This has been the case for Alisa’s decline and has been quite heartbreaking to witness. Jennifer chose to start the game with 1.c4 and the players soon entered a topical line of the English opening in which White maneuvers their pieces in order to take advantage of the weakened d5 square. Alisa must have been inspired by Nemcova’s previous game in which she started an early attack with h4-h5, but this time around Jennifer knew what to expect and prepared her game plan thoroughly. Alisa took some bad decisions, in particular recapturing on e5 with the f pawn, which allowed her opponent to obtain a large advantage. Despite that, Jennifer did not handle the complications well and blundered with 23.Nd7?? This could have been a turning point for Alisa’s tournament but she failed to play the winning move 23…Rxf1! Instead she played a losing move and had to resign only a few moves later. Another disappointing result for Alisa who has played very decent games so far but failed to give her best during the critical moments.

We are entering the final three rounds of this exciting event and the battles are starting to heat up. Leaders will fight tooth and nail for this prestigious title, and the main benefiters of that will be the eagerly awaiting fans! Here are the matchups for Round 9:


Ultimate Blitz Challenge with Garry Kasparov

As the 2016 U.S. Championship winds to an end, we are happy to share some details on the upcoming blitz event with Garry Kasparov. As was mentioned, the top three finishers will join Garry Kasparov in a special exhibition blitz tournament (not a rated event). We will draw pairing numbers at the Closing Ceremony of the 2016 U.S. Championship and U.S. Women’s Championship.


  • The four players will face each other in three round-robins per day, for a total of 18 games.
  • There will be small breaks between rounds (1-2 minutes) and longer breaks between each round-robin (10-15 minutes)
  • The time control will be game in five minutes with a three-second delay (not increment).

Prize Fund

The Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis is happy to provide a total prize fund of $50,000 for the blitz event. Garry Kasparov has generously offered to donate his prize winnings to support the U.S. Olympiad team—both very generous and helpful as America fields its strongest Olympiad team in decades. In the event of tied final scores, prizes will be divided evenly.

The prizes will be awarded as follows:

  • 1st: $20,000
  • 2nd: $15,000
  • 3rd: $10,000
  • 4th: $ 5,000


Day & Time


Thursday, April 28

Beginning at 1:00 PM

Blitz Round Robin #1

Blitz Round Robin #2

Blitz Round Robin #3

Friday, April 29

Beginning at 1:00 PM

Blitz Round Robin #4

Blitz Round Robin #5

Blitz Round Robin #6

Wesley Catches Fabiano; Nazi and Tatev Continue Their Title Run

By GM Cristian Chirila

Round 7Round seven of the U.S. Championship and U.S. Women’s Championship was arguably the most exciting one up to this point. As we approach the final days, the tension is rising and each individual’s nerves are starting to play a crucial role. Our pick for the most important game of the day was Jeffery Xiong’s first big test as he was facing the world #2 Fabiano Caruana. Wesley So was also following closely in the standings and had the Black pieces against the ultra-aggressive Alexander Shabalov.

In the Women’s Championship, the leaders—Paikidze, Krush and Abrahamyan—were all facing players that were having a critical tournament situation. Let’s analyze the games and understand how the players fared in this nerve-wracking round!

2016 U.S. Championship

Xiong vs. Caruana ½ - ½

Jeffery Xiong, Fabiano Caruana

This was undoubtedly one of the most important games of the round. Fabiano was coming in as the leader and knew that in order to preserve that status he would need to place as much pressure on his opponents from now till the end of the tournament. But today, he was facing a different player; a guy that he has never faced—a player that is arguably the biggest talent raised on American soil since Nakamura burst on the chess scene. That player is Jeffery Xiong and this was not going to be a cakewalk.

The game started off with a hybrid Ruy Lopez with 4…g6. Maybe Fabiano was inspired by the World Champion who used this same opening to win a nice game only two days ago in Norway. Jeffery looked surprised and allowed Black to get the upper hand after giving up his bishop pair without much fight with 8.Bxc6?! From there on, Fabiano exerted incredible pressure for the rest of the game. Unfortunately for him he did not manage to convert due to a marvelous resilience by his opponent.

Draw and the title race tightens up.

Shabalov vs. So 0-1

Akshat Chandra, Alex Shabalov, Wesley So

This was clearly one of those off days for Shabalov. He is known to be an extremely active player but failed to continue the game immediately after his preparation was over. Wesley surprised Shabalov (maybe himself too) with 17…Nf6?! Which has been played only once and it is quite an inaccuracy. His elite GM confidence confused White and he did not manage to play the most natural 18.Nf5! which would have given him a very pleasant advantage. Shabalov resigned at move 23 due to a terrible blunder in an already difficult position.

Robson vs. Chandra 1-0

Ray RobsonThis was a very important battle in the title run. Chandra has had a subpar event and as is the customs, when sharks smell blood, they will attack with ruthless precision and aggression. This was the case for Robson who knew a full point would put him back into the race and allow him to once again have a shot at the top laurel. White played the surprising 9.Qe2!?—a move that has only been played once before and that holds some serious poise attached. The point of it is to try for a queen exchange with Nc4-Qe5 and allow your queenside majority and centralized pieces to make the difference in the ensuing endgame. Chandra was not having any of that and avoided the queen swap at all costs which might have ultimately proven to be in his detriment. It was a tense middlegame but ultimately White managed to break through Black’s solid complex with 22.Nxb7! It was pawn up for Robson after that and only a miracle would have saved Chandra. Unfortunately for him, the miracle never came and Robson is back in the title contention!

Nakamura vs. Akobian 1-0

Hikaru NakamuraAnother masterpiece by one of the top three titans of the tournament. Nakamura surely came to the game expecting to face Akobian’s renowned French, but Var had other plans. He surprised the national champion with the Petroff Defense and the game soon turned into a theoretical battle.

Nakamura had the last say in the matter and proved that even when surprised, 2800 caliber players have a secret bank of information that helps them to casually beat top GMs. Let’s take a closer look at this game and see how Nakamura managed to outplay his opponent. 

Onischuk vs. Shankland 1-0

Shankland came into this tournament as a feared player, but he has not managed to find his rhythm and the results have been below the expectations. Onischuk was having a stable event at 50% and was looking to make use of his Whites in order to climb the rankings and threaten the leaders. White chose a tricky line with Qc2-Rd1 in the QGD, but it did not seem to work as Shankland fully equalized after the opening and maybe could have even pressed for an advantage at some point. Instead, he started playing too passively and took some suspicious decisions that damaged his position. Onischuk slowly increased the pressure and forced his opponent into submission after showing impressive endgame technique. In the end, it was a game that shows that even in the most equal and dry positions there are always ways to test your opponent. Today it was Onischuk’s hunger to win that prevailed as he now moves at +1 and starts eyeing the top places.

Lenderman vs. Kamsky ½ - ½

White came very well prepared and manage to amass a serious edge out of the opening. Kamsky felt in danger of being squashed down and tried to create counterplay by sacrificing a pawn after 19…b5?! This was a rushed decision and White could have obtained a big advantage if he would have found the cunning 24.N1a3! Instead, the game continuation failed to produce any results and Black fully equalized a couple of moves later.

2016 U.S. Women’s Championship

Paikidze vs. Bykovtsev 1-0

Nazi PaikidzeNazi is a terrific athlete; she works out every day sometimes even twice a day. As the tournament progresses and we enter the final round, it is very likely that we will see an improvement in her level of play.

Once again, Nazi clearly stated with her opening choice that she believes she is the superior player, the g3-b3 development not being objectively a difficult line to refute. Agata did not have a clear plan and the uncertainty got her in real trouble quite quickly, but with some good moves and a bit of luck she could have flipped the tables and actually obtain an advantage after 39…Bh6! Instead she played Ra8 and after the game continuation the position was almost resignable.

Krush vs. Eswaran ½ - ½

Krush dodged another bullet. The seven-time U.S. Women’s Champion tried to play a slow game and take her opponent to the endgame, where she thought she would outplay her and win with ease. This was not the case as the young Ashrita held her own and actually managed to outplay her much more experienced opponent. She should have held the bishops on the board with 25…Re2, after which Irina would have a difficult defense. Instead, she chose to enter the rook’s endgame, one that Irina knew to perfection and held the draw exemplary.

Melekhina vs. Abrahamyan 0-1

Tatev AbrahamyanThis game was arguably the wildest one in the Women’s Championship and subsequently the longest one as well. Melekhina was sitting at the bottom of the standings while Tatev was comfortably sharing the lead with Nazi. Nobody would have bet that this is going to be a nail biting escape by Tatev, but as it often happens in these type of events, the player sitting at the bottom of the table should never be underestimated as she can produce some incredulous surprises. Surpriseland was the direction in which this game was going with Melekhina building a huge advantage and pressuring Tatev to the breaking point. Her aggressive pawn sacrifice yielded great results and Alisa could have obtained a decisive advantage after the natural 20.Bh6! followed by an irresistible attack on the king. Our silicon friend suggests that Black could have resigned at this point. Unfortunately for Alisa, who has had a heartbreaking event, she did not find the winning move and instead allowed her opponent to get the winning edge. The two women traded blows and ultimately ended up in an equal endgame after the time control. Tatev gathered all her energy and realized that she still maintains some winning chances due to the poor coordination of White’s pieces. With good technique, Tatev managed to outplay Alisa in the endgame and joins Nazi in the leader’s chair.

Zatonskih vs. Gorti 1-0

This was a one-sided affair with the experienced Anna Zatonskih playing an almost perfect game and completely outplaying her younger opponent. Akshita did not understand the requirements of the position she was playing and incorrectly released the central pressure with 10.fxe5? This allowed White to obtain an incredible outpost on e5, as well as a game long target on e6. Anna knew she has a decisive strategic advantage and she never let go of it. Akshita did not have the necessary patience to defend such a passive position and cracked by playing 26…g5? Which simply gives a pawn and does not get any ounce of counterplay in return. The game quickly ended after that in a convincing victory for Zatonskih.

Nemcova vs. Yip 1-0

Katerina NemcovaKaterina is trying to chain a few wins together and close the gap with her rivals that stand at the top of the standings. She knew that a golden opportunity would be in her game against Carissa Yip, the youngest participant and a very big talent in her own right. Once again the experience played an important role and Katerina managed to outplay her opponent out of the opening. Katerina never allowed her opponent to get back into the game and she now moves to 5th place, 1.5p behind the leaders.

Foisor vs. Yu 1-0

Sabina has had a difficult tournament up to this point but one thing that she surely didn’t lose is her motivation to win games. Today’s game was proof of that as the players played a tame game and ended up in a completely equal endgame. Sabina channeled her inner Carlsen and decided to play on to see how well her opponent handles technical endgames. Yu played a good game but at some point forgot about her opponent’s threats and blundered with 70…Ra1?? Allowing her opponent’s king to invade via f5 and obtained a decisive advantage. Sabina took advantage of her chance and finished her opponent with immaculate technique.

Women's Decisive Round and Naka's Escape

by GM Cristian Chirila

There are good days and very good days at the U.S. Championship and U.S. Women’s Championship. Today was a day from the latter category with plenty of decisive results, important theoretical battle, nail-biting turns of events, and overall a fun packed set of games. Caruana respected his elite status and demolished Onischuk after playing a perfect game. So and Nakamura had a tense game and a few key moments could have shifted the balance of power in So’s favor. In the end, it finished in a draw and Nakamura can count out one of his nine lives. In the Women’s Championship it was a decisive round with only the leader—Nazi Paikidze—allowing Carissa Yip to pull a miraculous escape after a very odd opening from the young participant.

Let’s start the recap!

2016 U.S Championship

So vs. Nakamura ½ - ½

Hikaru Nakamura

This was surely the most anticipated battle of the round. Wesley has showed that he, along with Caruana, is the top contender for the ultimate title. Nakamura was coming off a dominant performance against Shankland and surely was looking for a fight in order to regain some ground in the title fight. The game started off with a French and the players followed the game of Salem vs. Satyapragyan up until the 15th move when Nakamura made a strong novelty.

In a position with opposite side castles, it was White’s attack that seemed to have more steam and ultimately it was him who managed to open up the position. Let’s give this game a closer look and see if So could have pressured his opponent more.

Caruana vs. Onischuk 1-0

Fabiano Caruana

Saint Louis is clearly one of Fabiano’s favorite places to play chess. After his famous 7-0 run in the Sinquefield Cup, and it seems like another impressive performance is in the making. He knew that this is one of the most accessible rounds in terms of trying to become the sole leader, as his main rival was facing Nakamura. The rest day also played an important role and he came into the game extremely well prepared and ready to pulverize his opponent.

28 moves—that’s all he needed to outplay one of the strongest guy in the tournament, Alex Onischuk. Let’s try to understand how the world #2 prepares and executes an almost perfect game!

Kamsky vs. Robson ½ - ½

Despite the fact that so far in this event Kamsky did not shine, he is still one of the best players in the U.S. and a serious threat to anybody facing him. Robson, on the other hand, has had an amazing tournament, besides his game before the rest day against Lenderman. Both guys had something to prove and it was quite clear from the start on that they weren’t going to sign the result without a fight. The players entered a variation of the Semi-Slav, with Kamsky trying to prove that his bishop pair is better than his opponent’s queenside majority.

Gata KamskyWhite finished his development and launched an attack on the kingside. Unfortunately for him, he missed the killer blow 21.Nxf7! which would have given him a sizable advantage. Ray also had a big miss in time trouble, failing to spot the winning move 33…Re8!. Missed opportunities for both players and as it often happens the game soon petered into a draw.

Chandra vs. Xiong  ½- ½

The game between the Junior Champion and the runner-up was definitely a treat chess fans were eagerly expecting. White opened with 1.d4 and once again Xiong decided to change his opening approach and went for the Queen’s Indian instead of the Grunfeld—probably feeling that his rival might have prepared something serious during the rest day. Black did not have any serious problems equalizing and the game soon ended in an uneventful draw. A cautious game that did not spark any fire on the board.

Shankland vs. Shabalov 0-1

Sam Shankland

An entertaining battle between two motivated competitors. Shankland has recognized the fact that Shabalov is a very unpleasant opponent for him. Only recently did he manage to snap a series of losses by winning against him in the Millionaire Open.

Today it seemed like he is dwelling on that game and wanting to ride the victory wave. Unfortunately for him, Shabalov was not having any of that. White opened with 1.e4 and we were soon witnessing a Scheveningen, which seems to be the Sicilian of choice for this championship. Shankland seemed a bit impatient and erred early on with 11.Nce2. He himself pointed out in the press conference after the game, “he wanted to punish his opponent too much.” Shabalov quickly refuted White’s apparent attack and started his own initiative focused in the center. White was in deep trouble by move 20, and by move 40 he could have safely resigned. A clean game by Shabalov who gets back to 50% and will try to make a push for the primer spots in the rankings.

Akobian vs. Lenderman ½ - ½

Akobian once again tried a very rare continuation as early as move 5.b3 which caused Lenderman to make some early decisions in regard to his set-up. White got what he wanted out of the opening and could have claimed a serious advantage if he would have kept two pairs of rooks with 29.Rad1 instead of 28.Re5?! Lack of shape was once again a serious factor in Akobian’s play as he seemed to lack poise in the last stages of the middlegame. After the heavy pieces were exchanged, it was only a matter of time before the players would sign the scoresheets.

2016 U.S. Women’s Championship

Yip vs. Paikidze ½- ½

Carissa Yip, Ashritha Eswaran

This was a crucial game in regards to the standings in the Women’s Championship. Paikidze knew she had to win in order to maintain her lead, and she came into the game with that outcome well established in her mind. Yip seemed to be on the same page as she played a strategically dubious opening and got herself into deep trouble when her opponent’s pieces started corralling her king. Fortunately for her, Paikidze did not spot the powerful 29…Bb5! and instead went for the less precise 29…e4? which allowed her opponent back into the game. None of the players blundered in time trouble and the game ended in a draw soon after the time control. A disappointing draw for Nazi and a cheerful result for the resilient Yip.

Abrahamyan vs. Foisor 1-0

Sabina Foisor

In this game White got the better side of a Ruy Lopez, obtaining a very unpleasant initiative on the kingside. Foisor didn’t manage to create any counterplay and she soon found herself in a suffocating situation. Under the pressure, Foisor blundered with 28…Qc8? which allowed White to exchange the double pawn on the “g” file for the important Black “f” pawn.

White now had a clear advantage and Abrahamyan skillfully proved why she is one of the most ruthless players in the competition. Abrahamyan wins and catches the leader at 4.5/6p with five rounds to go.

Game annotation by GM Robert Hess. 

Eswaran vs. Melekhina 1-0

Alisa chose a different opening than her usual Sicilian, and her lack of experience backfired badly. White got a stable advantage out of the opening and Alisa could not keep her patience for long, as it is often required in Ruy Lopez type of positions. After Black opened with the dubious 14…f5?!, White had the initiative for the rest of the game. Ashrita did not allow Alisa back into the game as she easily converted her pawn up in a rook’s endgame.

Gorti vs. Krush 0-1

A Ragozin that offered White no advantage out of the opening turned into a complete nightmare after Black started pushing her central pawns and opening his pieces towards her opponent’s king. Gorti did not have a clear plan as she maneuvered her knight to the completely dominated square “g3”. The defending champion slowly built up her advantage, positioning her pieces to their idea squares. In the end, the pawns started collapsing and Black cruised to victory with ease. After this win, Krush joins the leading pack and is back as the main favorite to defend her title.

Bykovtsev vs. Zatonskih 0-1

Agata Bykotsev

A difficult game to judge. Agata once again played a very precise game up to a point and then completely lost control in the final moves before the time control. This is one of those games that will leave a deep scar in Agata’s mind. She could have finished her opponent with 30.Rgf2! winning a piece but failed to spot it, and ultimately her advantage dissipated and was transferred to her opponent. A heartbreaking loss for the young Californian girl, and a breath of fresh air for Zatonskih.

Yu vs. Nemcova 0-1

A beautiful miniature by Nemcova who surely started to realize that if she continues with her missteps the fight for the top laurels will be lost. She furiously started the game with a quick vicious attack with 7…h5. Her opponent, confused by her aggressiveness, erred immediately with 9.f4?! This is a very dubious move as it weakens the king without claiming anything in return. Nemcova correctly understood that she needs to act fast and did not castle, instead she finished her piece development and aimed her forces at the White king.  After only 28 moves the White king had to surrender under the painful attack lead by Nemcova.
