2012 U.S. Championships News

Fischer Random - 2015 Showdown in Saint Louis

Fischer Random chess has been a controversial chess variant for some time. With the semi-random way the game starts (there are positions that cannot be played as they give White too big of an advantage), it is impossible to predict exactly how the games will begin and therefore it is impossible to have any kind of theoretical knowledge. Even though the players had eight positions to study before the match - four of which they would play - it was almost an unanimous approach not to calculate variations before the match started. One could be driven crazy analyzing so many positions from the very first moves!

The afternoon started well for Fabiano Caruana. In his first game of the day he was black against Hikaru Nakamura, and the #1 player in America decided to sacrifice a pawn with the White pieces. His superior piece coordination always gave him plenty of compensation, but slowly he let go of the requirements of the positions and allowed Black to untangle. An opposite color bishop endgame was reached and Caruana took game number one with some precise calculation to promote his pawns.

Things improved dramatically for Hikaru in the next two games. From the opening Black’s position was already more pleasant than his opponent’s, and going into the middlegame Black’s fabulous bishop on d4 gave Caruana serious headaches. The sidelined knight on a4 was a poor counterpart for such a magnificent piece, and although Caruana was by no means lost yet it was a poor position for him. A blunder cost White his f2 pawn, and after that Hikaru steamrolled his way to victory.

Game three was similar. Caruana’s opening left him in a desperate position early in the game, and White’s tactic with Bb7+!? was enough to win a pawn, but according to Fabiano, Hikaru did not even need to do that to gain the advantage. White entered an endgame up a pawn after the tactical exchanges, and it was all suffering for Caruana. To his credit he managed to almost equalize the game at a point, had he found a very specific sequence, but he did not manage to and eventually White’s extra pawn was enough for a full point.

In the last game of the day Caruana’s opening was again insufficient. He found himself in a passive position, but very cleverly he jettisoned a pawn to gain counterplay. Black found himself with an extra pawn and the advantage, but White’s activity was not easy to deal with. Hikaru took the day 2.5-1.5 and now leads by one point.

Yesterday was a rough day for Hou Yifan, who started her Showdown in Saint Louis with a 0-2 loss. However, she showed today why she is the top female player in the planet with an incredible comeback. Despite never having played Fischer Random in a tournament setting, she showed absolutely dominance over the nuances of development, pawn structure and piece placement in every single game. The story was very similar in the first three games: Hou Yifan was able to obtain a better position from the opening strategically, gaining an advantage in space. After this Parimarjan Negi found himself in difficult positions, eating away at his clock in attempt to find any kind of useful plans or moves to liberate his position. Hou Yifan was in no mood to led his opponent out of her binds, and she capitalized her advantages three times in a row with marvelous execution.

After a 0-3 start Negi finally pulled himself together and established a good position with the black pieces, which somehow resembled some kind of symmetrical English from normal chess. It was clear that Black had a very slight pull in the position, but the locked nature of the situation made a draw the most likely result. Negi overpressed, and he found himself in some trouble after he was forced to put his knight in the atrocious a8 square. Hou Yifan missed a winning shot at the end, but despite this the draw was good enough for a 3.5-0.5 score in the Fischer Random chess and an overall lead of 3.5-2.5 going into the rapids of day three.

Fabiano Caruana remarked after the day was over the “It's taken us hundreds of years to understand just the normal starting position in chess so I don't think that an extra ten or fifteen minutes is going to help me over the board." It simply shows you how complex chess can be, and how complex chess 960 is even for top players!

Basque Chess - Showdown in Saint Louis

Nakamura vs. Caruana

The Basque chess games started with some exciting developments. It is difficult to juggle two games of chess at the same time, especially against such strong opposition. In the Nakamura vs. Caruana game, the number one player in America essayed the Trompowsky opening; however, it was not successful at all. Fabi gained a big initiative with the black pieces by timely breaking in the center. This left Hikaru’s dark squares in shambles, his king weak and his position in serious danger. In an uncharacteristic sequence, Fabiano let go of most of his advantage by playing relatively meek chess. An aggressive approach would have given him a massive advantage. Hikaru regained control of the position, simplified some pieces, and headed towards a draw.

In Caruana vs. Nakamura, it was the black side that went on the aggression with an early Nh4 and f5 ripping apart the kingside. It is likely that this was not very well founded positionally, and Hikaru’s position was questionable. Just when it seemed that things were going south for him, he found a fantastic resource with e4!? sacrificing a full pawn simply to activate his pieces. Caruana did not react in the best way, and Black even had chances to gain an advantage at a critical juncture. Hikaru’s materialistic approach was almost punished when his weak king saw itself in danger, but Fabiano’s moves were not accurate enough, and he had to content himself with a draw by perpetual check.

Hou Yifan vs. Negi

Excellent play today from the young player from India! In his game with white, Negi showed excellent mastery of the Dragon positions despite Hou Yifan’s early deviation with a strange but interesting Re8. Negi simply rammed his h-pawn down the board and created real problems for his opponent. The game was very complicated, but perhaps the crucial mistake came with the move 20...Nd5. After White castled, Black’s bishop on h5 was too weak, and that spelled disaster.

In her game with white, Yifan was simply too optimistic. An exchange sacrifice by Negi was met with a countersacrifice of a full piece, leaving the material balance two pieces vs. a rook. White’s a-pawn was simply not enough, and slowly but surely Negi took over the initiative and his extra material won him the game. Negi is the clear leader with 2-0!

Saint Louis Showdown Press Release

For more information, please contact:
Nicole Halpin

 For Immediate Release

America’s Best Set to Compete in Exhibition Games in Saint Louis

SAINT LOUIS (October 14, 2015) – American chess is getting stronger and is on the rise. This fall, Grandmasters Hikaru Nakamura and Fabiano Caruana, the top two players in the United States, will visit the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis (CCSCSL) and compete in a series of games over four days: Thursday, November 12 through Sunday, November 15.

“The Saint Louis Chess Club always seeks to find innovative and exciting events to host. With players like Nakamura and Caruana, spectators should expect fireworks over the board,” said Tony Rich, Executive Director of the CCSCSL.  

Featured exhibition matches will include:

  • 4 games Fischer Random (Chess 960) at G/20 + 10 seconds

  • 4 games Rapid Chess at G/15 + 10 seconds

  • 8 games Blitz Chess at G/3 + 2 seconds

  • And more to come!

All games count towards the final score with a win counting as 1 point, a draw as a ½ point and a loss as 0 points. Players will be competing for $100,000 in prizes.

Former Women’s World Champion, GM Hou Yifan and GM Parimarjan Negi will also square off, following the same format. Hailing from China, 21-year-old Hou Yifan is the strongest active female player in the world; she is the only female currently ranked in the top 100. Indian GM Negi, at 22 years old, is a former Asian continental champion and currently attends Stanford University.

Each game of the exhibition matches will feature live commentary from GM Yasser Seirawan, WGM Jennifer Shahade and GM Maurice Ashley. The event will be streamed live via www.uschesschamps.com. Join us Thursday, November 12 through Sunday, November 15  to watch these champions battle it out.

For more information, visit www.uschesschamps.com.

About The Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis

The Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that is committed to making chess an important part of our community. In addition to providing a forum for the community to play tournaments and casual games, the club also offers chess improvement classes, beginner lessons and special lectures.

Recognizing the cognitive and behavioral benefits of chess, the Chess Club and Scholastic Center is committed to supporting those chess programs that already exist in area schools while encouraging the development of new in-school and after-school programs. For more information, visit www.saintlouischessclub.org.

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2015 U.S. Junior Closed Championship - Round 9

Written and analyzed by GM Mackenzie Molner. Photos taken by Austin Fuller.

Awonder Liang vs. Akshat Chandra

After the first three rounds of the tournament these two players were the leaders, and it was presumed that this 9th round matchup could potentially decide the tournament’s results. It turned out that this was true but not the way Awonder would have wanted it. In his last five games, Awonder was only able to score one point, compared to Akshat Chandra who was still leading the tournament. A round nine win for Akshat would guarantee him first place, $6,000 and a seat in the next U.S. Chess Championship. With the Black pieces for round nine, it would prove to be no easy task.

Chandra’s form took a dip in the middle of the tournament, but he peaked in the last couple rounds and was playing his best chess of the tournament. He reacted to Awonder’s 1.e4 in his typical fashion, playing the Taimanov Sicilian. The game was a relatively quiet Sicilian, devoid of the tactical opportunities that usually characterize this particular opening. Awonder held slight pressure throughout the opening and early middlegame, but it never led to more than mild discomfort for Chandra. Chandra slowly gained control of the game. By move 33 he had a great chance to solidify his advantage with the move f4! He made the most of this opportunity, playing this move relatively quickly. Awonder’s 35th move was the cause of his demise. Rather than playing Rd3, he needed to play Rf3, with reasonable chances of defending.

By the time Black played 36… Bc6, White’s position was beyond salvation. Chandra brought the point home in convincing fashion, needing only 5 more moves before forcing White’s resignation. A quiet but very well-played game. With the win in round nine, Akshat Chandra won the 2015 U.S. Junior Closed Championship!

Curran Han vs. Jeffrey Xiong

Xiong needed to win this game in order to maximize his chances of competing for first. I thought it would be interesting to see which opening he would play in order to generate winning chances. Xiong relied on his standard Grunfeld defense against Han’s 1. d4. I thought this might not be the best choice. As a Grunfeld player myself, I often find it difficult to create winning chances against some of the long forcing variations that White can play. Han chose a solid system, with an early Be3 and Bb5. The critical point in the game was White’s 18th move. Han needed to play Rc5 instead of Rc4, the move that was played in the game. Han’s choice radically altered the evaluation of the position, immediately going from equal to a loss in just one move! Xiong finished off the game in good style, efficiently converting his advantage. The pressure was now on Akshat to at least draw for Xiong to stand a chance!


Arthur Shen vs. Luke Harmon-Vellotti

Harmon-Vellotti decided to deviate from his nearly automatic French defense against 1. e4. He played the Caro-Kann defense, perhaps looking to plan specific preparation against the Fantasy Variation, which was Shen’s previous choice this tournament. Shen deviated from his previous game, favoring the classical main line. The opening led to a very sharp middlegame position with opposite side castling. Shen’s 15th move, g4!, led to a strong kingside attack. It wasn’t until 30… Rd2 that White’s attack became unstoppable. 30… e5 was a better choice. Shen’s attack crashed through, right before the time control. Shen’s 9 decisive games is an impressive feat!

2015 U.S. Junior Closed Championship - Round 8

Written and analyzed by GM Mackenzie Molner. Photos taken by Austin Fuller.

Akshat Chandra vs. Arthur Shen

Round eight featured the two leaders facing off in a pivotal game for this year’s U.S. Junior Championship. Chandra has maintained at least a shared lead throughout the entire tournament, while Shen’s 1 out 3 start was impressively improved upon with 4 consecutive wins. Shen’s game have been sharp and interesting with only decisive results. The two have been great entertainment for the fans and spectators watching. Shen chose a more solid opening today, relying on the Ruy Lopez defense against 1. e4. The way Arthur played allowed him the option of playing one of the many mainlines, or potentially a Marshall Gambit. Chandra chose 6. d3 which looks quiet but has a lot of advocates on the white side. It has the benefit of avoiding the Marshall Gambit which is extensively analyzed and doesn’t leave much room for either side to play for a win.

After a peaceful opening, the middlegame transformed into a very complicated struggle. Shen sacrificed a pawn to deal with pressure against his f7 pawn. He got a lot of compensation in return. Both sides had a lot of potentially interesting continuations in the middlegame but the big moment came when Shen played 19… e4. This turned out to be a big mistake even though it  appeared as a natural looking move. Shen needed to be more patient; bringing his last pieces into the game. 19… bxc4 followed up by Qc7 and Rad8 would have given him respectable chances. His continuation in the game lost the positional trumps that he had, such as the strong light-squared bishop and central control. By the time he played 24… Qh4, Shen looked like he was generating some serious threats. However, with Chandra not being unfamiliar with king walks, he was planning to march his king up to safety on the f3 square.

The final turning point in the game happened when Chandra played Bxg4 on move 27. He eliminated one of Black’s best attackers. The rest of the game was characterized by a slow build-up from Chandra and eventually transforming his slightly vulnerable position into a position ready for attack. The final blow came with 33. Nxh6. Shen’s kingside was collapsing completely and he was soon resigning and giving Akshat sole first place once again! A very exciting game with huge implications at the top of the standings.

Ruifeng Li vs. Curran Han

Ruifeng Li has been in a similar boat to Yian Liou throughout this tournament. He had several incredible opportunities to knock off the leaders, Chandra and Xiong, but failed to do so. If he had converted, he would be in great position to compete for first. Like Liou, he would not give his opponent any second chances in round eight. Unfortunately, Han’s struggles would continue once again even though the opening battleground would be slightly different. Ruifeng chose the Closed variation of the Sicilian for White and gradually earned enough positional advantages to bring down his opponent. 39. e6 was the highlight of the game, breaking down Black’s kingside.

Jeffrey Xiong vs. Awonder Liang

Jeffery Xiong needed to win today if he wanted to maintain realistic chances of competing for first place. Awonder Liang who had started off the tournament on fire, had cooled off over the last few rounds and was struggling to return to his high quality play. His struggles continued today when paired against the highest rated player in the tournament. Liang chose the Benoni defense against Xiong’s 1. d4. I don’t recall this normally being a part of Awonder’s opening repertoire, but he did manage to reach an acceptable middlegame position. Jeffrey’s experience and positional skill eventually grounded his young opponent, leading to a complete collapse of Black’s position by the time he played the classical blow against the Benoni, e5 on move 27. Xiong has black tomorrow against Han, who has been struggling this tournament. The win keeps pressure on Chandra to at least draw tomorrow.


Yian Liou vs. Mika Brattain

I imagine coming into this game Liou must be feeling unsatisfied with the results he has gotten so far. He could have easily been competing for the top spots had he finished off his opponents in several winning positions. For round eight against Brattain, he could not leave his opponent with tricks or resources. Brattain chose an offbeat opening that is a favorite of the strong American GM Varuzhan Akobian. The opening did not achieve the desired result and by the time 16. Nf5! it was clear that Black would be under big pressure for a long time. The position was extremely difficult to play, and Brattain’s position quickly collapsed. Liou collected the full point on move 24.

Luke Harmon-Vellotti vs. Michael Bodek

In round seven, Bodek was on the wrong side of a big swindle in losing to Arthur Shen. Round eight held hope for redemption. He was on the Black side of a very positionally oriented Nimzo-Indian defense. The game featured a Carlsbad pawn structure often seen in d4 openings. Bodek commented after the game that 14. Qb4 was where White began to go wrong because White usually intends to play b4-b5 with a standard minority attack situation. Despite this slight inaccuracy White’s position remained extremely solid and it was only by the time Black played 25… Nh5 that White was in trouble. Bodek convincingly built his advantage from that point onward and gave White no second chances. Black won on move 50 creating the fifth decisive game of the day!

2015 U.S. Junior Closed Championship - Round 7

Written and analyzed by GM Mackenzie Molner. Photos taken by Austin Fuller.

Jeffrey Xiong vs. Akshat Chandra

Easily the most anticipated game of the tournament: Jeffrey Xiong vs. Akshat Chandra. In addition to being the two highest rated players of the tournament, the winner of this game was guaranteed at least a share of first place. Jeffery Xiong, with the White pieces, couldn’t ask for a better situation in order to try to make a comeback over Chandra, who had half a point extra in the standings.

Recently, the opening had been a source of headache for Akshat Chandra. In the two rounds prior to this, he was on the worse side of two draws, not to mention being massively behind on the clock in both games. He broke that trend in round seven by playing the Taimanov Sicilian more confidently than in his game against Ruifeng Li. Chandra was the first one to deviate from previous played games with his move 12… Rc8, even though it was a logical novelty. Chandra declined a pawn sacrifice on move 16, intending to safen his king by castling. It turns out that , accepting the pawn sacrifice with 16… Qxc2 would probably have lessened the pressure. Iin order for White to regain the pawn, Xiong would have to allow Black’s pieces to free themselves. Xiong built up strong pressure but took his foot off the gas with 23. cxb4. It was better to play 23. Rh3 with attacking chances.

The more critical phase of the game was beginning to take shape once the players traded queens and headed into the endgame. The endgame was approximately equal but a lengthy king maneuver taking Xiong’s king from g1 down to h6 reaped great benefits. Xiong won Chandra’s h7 pawn and was in firm control of the game. With an extra pawn and strong bishop, it looked like he might be able to knock Chandra out of the lead for the first time in the tournament. It only took one inaccuracy for Chandra to balance out the game. Xiong’s 51st move, Bf6 allowed Black’s strong reply 51… b4! and equalizing the game. The two played out another 30 moves before agreeing to the draw in a theoretically already drawn endgame. Another narrow escape for Chandra! With that draw, Chandra now has 5/7 and Xiong has 4.5/7 going into round eight.


Curran Han vs. Yian Liou

These two players have been struggling a bit this tournament. Han was winless going into the game, and Liou’s 1 out of 4 in the past 4 rounds had left him struggling a bit. Han got a great position against Liou’s Schlecter Slav, which is not easy to do! Unfortunately for Han, he lost the feel for the position in the middlegame. 27. Rca6 would have kept a large advantage. After 27. Rc1 the position leveled out and a draw was agreed upon on move 32.


Mika Brattiain vs. Luke Harmon-Vellotti

Going into the game, I thought this was an interesting matchup. In this tournament, Brattain has been a very positionally oriented player and often playing very solid openings. Harmon-Vellotti on the other hand is often involved in wild tactical skirmishes in which the result can often swing back and forth between the players. Brattain’s choice of playing the Botvinnik English took nearly all tactical possibilities from the position. White was more comfortable, and with 26. Ne4, Brattain could have kept his slight advantage. Instead, Brattain chose Bg5, soon leading to several exchanges. The game stayed balanced until a draw was agreed on move 48.


Awonder Liang vs. Ruifeng Li

Last but not least was the game between these two talented players. After getting very lucky against Yian Liou in round 5, Ruifeng Li has been on the wrong side of swindles in the last two rounds. Li chose the combative Sicilian defense against Liang’s 1. e4. Liang sacrificed a pawn in the middlegame, reaching a very wild position. Li played fearlessly with his 17th move g5. Awonder needed to play 19. Bd6 in order to take advantage Li’s reckless play. Li’s combative play was rewarded, and he was soon able to reach yet another winning position. Unfortunately for him, he was not able to break the streak of draws and after playing 86 moves, the result was sealed.


Michael Bodek vs. Arthur Shen

Coming into the round today, no one in the tournament was hotter than Arthur Shen. He was on a three game winning streak and climbed from a minus score all the way to shared second place. Michael Bodek with 3 out of 6 was not as hot as Shen, but still having a reasonable tournament. The game started out in surprising fashion. Despite nearly exclusively playing 1. e4, Bodek experimented with the English in round seven, possibly trying to catch Shen in a prepared Anti-Grunfeld variation. Shen solidly responded by playing the symmetrical English. Shen’s 5… Nh6 allowed Bodek to play aggressively with the tempting 6. h4 and starting a quick kingside attack. The attack disoriented Black’s position enough for White to win a pawn while still having a better position on top of that. It looked like Shen’s winning streak was coming to an abrupt end, but a badly timed bishop exchange evened out the chances. In a back and forth fight, Shen eventually emerged victorious, using the attacking features of an opposite colored bishop middlegame to bring the point home. Shen’s hot streak lives on! He now shares first place with Akshat Chandra. What a turnaround!
