2016 Champions Showdown

Magnus Carlsen drops out of World Championship cycle - Chessbase News

Topalov - Fri, 11/05/2010 - 2:00am
Magnus Carlsen drops out of World Championship cycle  Chessbase News

The shock on Friday: the world's number one player for most of 2010, 19-year-old Norwegian GM Magnus Carlsen, has decided to drop out of the current World ...

Anand topples Topalov - Calcutta Telegraph

Topalov - Sat, 10/23/2010 - 2:00am
Anand topples Topalov  Calcutta Telegraph

Patrick Wolff on Life After Leaving the Game - New York Times

Topalov - Sat, 06/12/2010 - 2:00am
Patrick Wolff on Life After Leaving the Game  New York Times

Patrick Wolff, Michael Wilder and Stuart Rachels are former United States chess champions who walked away from the game years ago to lead more traditional ...

Anand Has Allies in Victory Over Topalov - New York Times

Topalov - Sat, 05/22/2010 - 2:00am
Anand Has Allies in Victory Over Topalov  New York Times

When it comes to strange bedfellows, politics has nothing on chess. The sight last week of Garry Kasparov at a New York City fund-raiser for his longtime rival ...

Anand's helpers in Sofia – Part Two - Chessbase News

Topalov - Thu, 05/20/2010 - 2:00am
Anand's helpers in Sofia – Part Two  Chessbase News

In the second part of his interview on Playchess.com the old and new World Champion Vishy Anand talks about hardware – we now know that his opponent ...


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