
Luke McShane and Justin Tan share first place at Kings Place Chess Festival - The Guardian

Fri, 07/15/2016 - 9:04am

The Guardian

Luke McShane and Justin Tan share first place at Kings Place Chess Festival
The Guardian
It was a unique moment for Hikaru Nakamura of the US, who had previously been Carlsen's best customer at classical chess. This was their 31st game, after Carlsen previously scored +12=18. Bilbao continues this weekend and can be viewed live and free ...

Categories: Today In Chess

Carlsen gikk på historisk smell mot erkefienden: Tapte mot Nakamura for første ... -

Wed, 07/13/2016 - 2:08pm


Carlsen gikk på historisk smell mot erkefienden: Tapte mot Nakamura for første ...
BILBAO (Dagbladet): For første gang i karrieren har Magnus Carlsen (25) tapt et langsjakkparti mot Hikaru Nakamura (28). Prestisjenederlaget fant sted under åpningen av den uhyre sterke seksmannsturneringen Bilbao Masters i kveld. Carlsen ankom ...
Carlsen med sjokktap mot erkerivalenNRK
Amerikansk erkerival hadde forsøkt 30 ganger - så brøt han Magnus Carlsen ...Aftenposten
Magnus Carlsen tapte for erkerivalen for første gangVG
Romsdals Budstikke
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Categories: Today In Chess

Carlsen med sjokktap mot erkerivalen - NRK

Wed, 07/13/2016 - 1:45pm


Carlsen med sjokktap mot erkerivalen
Carlsen med sjokktap mot erkerivalen. Etter 12 seire og 18 remiser, klarte Hikaru Nakamura å vinne over Magnus Carlsen. Magnus Carlsen. GIKK PÅ EN SMELL: Magnus Carlsen har, inntil i dag, hatt en utrolig statistikk mot stormesteren Hikaru Nakamura.
Magnus Carlsen tapte for erkerivalen for første gangVG
Kalte Carlsen ond trollmann. I dag overrasket nordmannens erkefiende på nytt
Amerikansk erkerival hadde forsøkt 30 ganger - så brøt Magnus han Carlsen ...Aftenposten

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Google News
Categories: Today In Chess

Bilbao: Nakamura beats Carlsen - Chessbase News

Wed, 07/13/2016 - 2:00am
Bilbao: Nakamura beats Carlsen  Chessbase News

The first round of the Masters in Bilbao started with a bang. For the first time in his career Hikaru Nakamura won against Magnus Carlsen in a game with ...

Pestaño: Prelude to the world championship - Sun.Star

Thu, 07/07/2016 - 9:58am

Pestaño: Prelude to the world championship
Aside from Carlsen, Wesley So, Sergey Karjakin, Anish Giri and Hikaru Nakamura have been invited by the organizers. The surprise sixth player is 16-year-old Chinese teenager, Wei Yei, though still far from the most select elite, he is considered by ...

Categories: Today In Chess

Wonderful Wesley - BusinessWorld Online Edition

Mon, 07/04/2016 - 10:25am

Wonderful Wesley
BusinessWorld Online Edition
Magnus Carlsen won the YourNextMove Grand Chess Tour in Leuven with 3 rounds to play. That was no big surprise -- what was not expected was that Hikaru Nakamura, the highest rated player in online blitz in history, would finish so low. Also considered ...

Categories: Today In Chess

Carlsen Leads and Quits Grand Chess Tour - Huffington Post

Sat, 07/02/2016 - 9:16pm

Huffington Post

Carlsen Leads and Quits Grand Chess Tour
Huffington Post
Hikaru Nakamura and Carlsen are considered the world's top two speed chess players. When they were younger, they played an all-night friendly blitz marathon in Moscow. They compete for good money now. In the first GCT event in Paris, Nakamura edged ...

Categories: Today In Chess

Carlsen Leads and Quits Grand Chess Tour - Huffington Post

Sat, 07/02/2016 - 8:02pm

Huffington Post

Carlsen Leads and Quits Grand Chess Tour
Huffington Post
Hikaru Nakamura and Carlsen are considered the world's top two speed chess players. When they were younger, they played an all-night friendly blitz marathon in Moscow. They compete for good money now. In the first GCT event in Paris, Nakamura edged ...

Categories: Today In Chess

World champion Magnus Carlsen shines across the board at speed chess - The Guardian

Fri, 07/01/2016 - 10:55am

The Guardian

World champion Magnus Carlsen shines across the board at speed chess
The Guardian
Carlsen was second to America's Hikaru Nakamura in the $150,000 Paris Grand Tour blitz, then he won at Brussels. He has also been playing online speed games in an elite knockout organised by the website. Seven of the eight players were ...

Categories: Today In Chess

Chess notes - The Boston Globe

Sat, 06/25/2016 - 3:01pm

The Boston Globe

Chess notes
The Boston Globe
Hikaru Nakamura (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Nc3 Bb4 5.Qa4+ Nc6 6.e3 0–0 7.Qc2 Re8 8.Bd2 e5 9.dxe5 Nxe5 10.cxd5 Nxf3+ 11.gxf3 Nxd5?? 12.Nxd5 Qxd5 13.Bxb4; 1-0, 17). This seemed to wake him up, as on the next day, in an amazing performance, ...
Chess (#1206)Business Standard

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Categories: Today In Chess

Chess (#1206) - Business Standard

Fri, 06/24/2016 - 1:34pm

Business Standard

Chess (#1206)
Business Standard
Magnus Carlsen started the Leuven (Belgium) leg of the Grand Chess Tour (GCT) badly. He magically returned to form to finally win with a lot to spare. The first day saw Viswanthan Anand taking a narrow lead in the Rapid section (25 minutes plus 10 ...

Categories: Today In Chess

First stage of Winton British Solving Championship open to entrants - The Guardian

Fri, 06/24/2016 - 12:20pm

The Guardian

First stage of Winton British Solving Championship open to entrants
The Guardian
When Carlsen finished behind his American arch-rival Hikaru Nakamura in the Paris blitz early this month, some claimed that the Norwegian, a keen soccer fan, was distracted by Euro 2016. But in the next blitz at Leuven, near Brussels, a few days later, ...

Categories: Today In Chess

Pestaño: Chess memorial tournaments - Sun.Star

Thu, 06/23/2016 - 9:34am

Pestaño: Chess memorial tournaments
MEMORIAL tournaments are more common in chess unlike other sports. Almost every country has one and there are probably close to 100 worldwide. Here in Cebu, we have two—the Roger Abella and Loloy Ruelan memorial tournaments. I am featuring ...

Categories: Today In Chess

2 Americans lead at halfway point of Grand Chess Tour - St. Louis Public Radio

Thu, 06/23/2016 - 7:25am

St. Louis Public Radio

2 Americans lead at halfway point of Grand Chess Tour
St. Louis Public Radio
The first leg of the tour in Paris was won by American Hikaru Nakamura, who bested the current world champion Magnus Carlsen to collect 13 tour points and $37,500. After only a few days' break, the tour moved to Leuven where Carlsen came back with a ...

and more »
Categories: Today In Chess

Two Americans lead at halfway point of the Grand Chess Tour - St. Louis Public Radio

Thu, 06/23/2016 - 6:46am

St. Louis Public Radio

Two Americans lead at halfway point of the Grand Chess Tour
St. Louis Public Radio
The first leg of the tour in Paris was won by American Hikaru Nakamura, who bested the current world champion Magnus Carlsen to collect 13 tour points and $37,500. After only a few days' break, the tour moved to Leuven where Carlsen came back with a ...

Categories: Today In Chess

Reo Kurosu - Inside AX

Tue, 06/21/2016 - 8:14pm

Reo Kurosu
Inside AX
While at Aniplex from 2004 to 2011, was an associate producer for the animation of Hiromu Arakawa's Fullmetal Alchemist TV Series and subsequent theatrical release, was a producer for Atsuko Asano's 6 (TV Series), Hikaru Nakamura's Saint Young Men ...

Categories: Today In Chess

Anand finishes fourth - The Hindu

Tue, 06/21/2016 - 7:33pm

Anand finishes fourth
The Hindu
Magnus Carlsen (Nor) 23; 2. Wesley So (USA) 20.5; 3. Levon Aronian (Arm) 20; 4. Viswanathan Anand (Ind) 19.5; 5. Fabiano Caruana (USA) 17.5; 6. Maxime Vachier-Lagrave (Fra) 17; 7. Hikaru Nakamura (USA) 16.5; 8-9. Vladimir Kramnik (Rus) 16 & Anish ...

and more »
Categories: Today In Chess

In Kopec's games, a lesson from the (international) chess master - Washington Times

Tue, 06/21/2016 - 10:56am

In Kopec's games, a lesson from the (international) chess master
Washington Times
The U.S. Chess Federation confirmed late last week that GMs Fabiano Caruana, Hikaru Nakamura and Wesley So — Nos. 3, 6 and 10 in the current FIDE world rankings — will lead the team. The Americans last medaled in the biennial event in 2008 and last ...

Categories: Today In Chess

Chess notes - The Boston Globe

Sat, 06/18/2016 - 11:03pm

Business Standard

Chess notes
The Boston Globe
The Paris Grand Chess Tour event has just concluded, with Hikaru Nakamura squeaking out a win over Magnus Carlsen. The event and its sister event, Your Next More, feature two tournaments: a single round-robin rapids (25 mins, +10 secs per move) ...
Magnus Carlsen slips up in the first leg of the Grand TourThe Guardian
Chess (#1205)Business Standard

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Categories: Today In Chess

Mistake in opening round costs Magnus Carlsen in first leg of Grand Tour - The Guardian

Fri, 06/17/2016 - 12:55pm

The Guardian

Mistake in opening round costs Magnus Carlsen in first leg of Grand Tour
The Guardian
He was still the favourite at a late stage in Paris even after a couple of freakish episodes benefited his main rival, America's Hikaru Nakamura. First Carlsen gave away a full point in the opening round when he dithered for a few seconds and lost on ...
Chess (#1205)Business Standard

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Categories: Today In Chess
