
2016 U.S. Junior Closed - Round 6

After 5 hard fought rounds, the participants had the Wednesday off to prepare themselves for the second half of the tournament. Whereas most players stayed in and rested up, Kayden Troff had a busy schedule.

Grandmaster Kayden Troff First to be Titled with Eagle Scout

Achieving the grandmaster title is a huge feat. The hours spent every day studying, the days spent in airplanes, buses and airports just to travel to tournaments, the weeks spent at tournament halls, the months trying to perfect every strategy, truly are countless.

2016 U.S. Junior Closed - Round 5

The fifth day at the U.S. Junior championship was nothing like the peaceful fourth round. With all five games delivering decisive results, It was a great game to play with the White pieces as the White players accounted for a sweet 4 out of 5 wins!

2016 U.S. Junior Closed- Round 4

The fourth day at the U.S. Junior Chess Championship signified a peaceful day of chess. With four draws and only one win, fairly little change took place in the overall standings.

2016 U.S. Junior Closed- Round 3

The third day at the U.S. Junior was a day of revenge! Whilst top-seed Jeffery Xiong managed to take the sole lead after outplaying Michael Bodek, both Awonder Liang and Nicolas Checa recovered from their second round losses.

2016 U.S. Junior Closed- Round 2

After an eventful first round in which the players were praised for their fighting spirit by commentators. FM Aviv Friedman and GM Ben Finegold, expectations were high for the second round.


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