2012 U.S. Championships News

Dramatic Reversal in Final Day of Classical: 2023 Winter Classic

As the Winter Chess Classic 2023 entered its third day, the atmosphere inside the Sinquefield Commons at Saint Louis University was charged with anticipation. The chilly weather outside belied the intensity of the battles that unfolded over the chessboards. The day featured two rounds of classical chess, bringing us closer to the fast-paced action in rapid and blitz.Lazaro Bruzon vs Benjamin Bok

Team Dynamics

In a dramatic turn of events, the B Team seized the lead from Team A in the final round of classical chess. The competition has reached a pivotal moment, with the B Team now leading with a score of 55.5 to Team A's 52.5. The competitors displayed true fighting spirit, taking both rounds down to the wire.

Individual Highlights

Round 5

  • Oparin, Grigory (A) vs. Dambasuren, Batsuren (B): Draw
  • Gledura, Benjamin (A) vs. Akobian, Var (B): Draw
  • Antipov, Mikhail (A) vs. Chandra, Akshat (B): Draw
  • Bok, Benjamin (A) vs. Bruzon, Lazaro (B): Draw
  • Theodorou, Nikolas (B) vs. Raja, Harshit (A): Theodorou wins
  • Swiercz, Dariusz (B) vs. Stearman, Josiah (A): Draw

Round 6

  • Chandra, Akshat (B) vs. Oparin, Grigory (A): Draw
  • Gledura, Benjamin (A) vs. Theodorou, Nikolas (B): Draw
  • Akobian, Var (B) vs. Antipov, Mikhail (A): Draw
  • Dambasuren, Batsuren (B) vs. Bruzon, Lazaro (A): Draw
  • Raja, Harshit (A) vs. Swiercz, Dariusz (B): Swiercz wins
  • Stearman, Josiah (A) vs. Bok, Benjamin (B): Bok wins

Team Standings

  1. Team A Score: 52.5
  2. Team B Score: 55.5

With the B Team now in the lead, the Winter Chess Classic promises even more thrilling encounters in the upcoming rapid and blitz rounds. The players continue to showcase their talent and determination as they vie for victory and $30,000 in prizes. Stay tuned for more updates as the Winter Chess Classic unfolds its final chapters at Saint Louis University.

Winter Chess Classic 2023: Day 2 Recap

The Winter Chess Classic 2023 continued its thrilling journey into day two. The atmosphere was cool and overcast, providing the perfect backdrop for intense chess battles among some of the finest minds in the game. A total of 12 exceptionally skilled players, including 11 Grandmasters and 1 International Master, are squaring off through Wednesday in the Sinquefield Commons at Saint Louis University.

Players will face each other in 6 classical games (worth 3 points each), 6 rapid games (2 points each) and 12 blitz games (1 point each). Notably for this event, all participants either currently attend or have graduated from a Missouri university. Each of these 12 chess prodigies calls Saint Louis or Columbia, Missouri, their home.

Team Standings

Team Place Team Score
1 Team A 39
2 Team B 33

After Day 2, Team A maintains its lead with a score of 39, while Team B is close behind with 33 points. Unfortunately for the Billikens, it seems the home court advantage hasn’t held up. The B Team all call SLU home.

“It was a tough start.” said Var Akobian, board four and team captain. “But as I reminded my players, we’re still in this, and we have rapid and blitz coming up.”

Board White Result Black
Round 3
1 Oparin, Grigory ½-½ Bok, Benjamin
2 Dambasuren, Batsuren ½-½ Gledura, Benjamin
3 Theodorou, Nikolas ½-½ Antipov, Mikhail
4 Bruzon, Lazaro ½-½ Swiercz, Dariusz
5 Raja, Harshit 1-0 Chandra, Akshat
6 Akobian, Var ½-½ Stearman, Josiah

Akshat Chandra vs Harshit Raja

Board White Result Black
Round 4
1 Akobian, Var ½-½ Oparin, Grigory
2 Chandra, Akshat ½-½ Gledura, Benjamin
3 Antipov, Mikhail ½-½ Swiercz, Dariusz
4 Bruzon, Lazaro ½-½ Theodorou, Nikolas
5 Bok, Benjamin ½-½ Raja, Harshit
6 Stearman, Josiah 0-1 Dambasuren, Batsuren

With 30 points on the line over the next three days, players are certain to redouble their efforts over the board. The Winter Chess Classic promises to deliver more exciting moves and intense showdowns as the players continue their pursuit of victory. Stay tuned for further updates on this captivating chess spectacle at Saint Louis University!

Winter Chess Classic 2023: Grandmasters Shine in Initial Clashes

After a riveting start with two rounds of classical chess, the Winter Chess Classic 2023 has witnessed extraordinary performances from both Team A and Team B. The clash of grandmasters has not only showcased strategic intricacies but has also set the stage for an intense battle to claim the Winter Chess Classic title. Team A took an early lead, but with 4 days of action left, everything is still up for grabs. Let's delve into the results of the initial clashes.

Team Standings

Team Place Team Score
1 Team A 21
2 Team B 15

Team A Roster

Board Player Rating Current Score
1 Oparin, Grigory 2667 4.5
2 Gledura, Benjamin 2633 4.5
3 Antipov, Mikhail 2607 3
4 Bruzon, Lazaro 2594 4.5
5 Raja, Harshit 2509 3
6 Stearman, Josiah 2479 1.5

Team B Roster

Board Player Rating Current Score
1 Theodorou, Nikolas 2626 3
2 Swiercz, Dariusz 2615 1.5
3 Bok, Benjamin 2614 4.5
4 Akobian, Var 2576 1.5
5 Dambasuren, Batsuren 2523 1.5
6 Chandra, Akshat 2486 3

Team A, captained by Mizzou Head Coach GM Cristian Chirila and led by GM Grigory Oparin on board 1, has taken an early lead with a solid performance across the boards. Grigory Oparin, Benjamin Gledura, and Lazaro Bruzon, along with Mikhail Antipov, scored crucial wins and contributed to the team's overall success. However, Team B, led by SLU Head Coach GM Varuzhan Akobian, is not far behind. With several rounds remaining, the competition is far from decided.

Var Akobian vs Lazaro BruzonVaruzhan Akobian vs Lazaro Bruzon

Classical Round 1

Board White Result Black
1 Oparin, Grigory (A) 1-0 Theodorou, Nikolas (B)
2 Swiercz, Dariusz (B) 0-1 Gledura, Benjamin (A)
3 Bok, Benjamin (B) 1-0 Antipov, Mikhail (A)
4 Bruzon, Lazaro (A) 1-0 Akobian, Var (B)
5 Dambasuren, Batsuren (B) ½-½ Raja, Harshit (A)
6 Stearman, Josiah (A) ½-½ Chandra, Akshat (B)

Classical Round 2

Board White Result Black
1 Swiercz, Dariusz (B) ½-½ Oparin, Grigory (A)
2 Gledura, Benjamin (A) ½-½ Bok, Benjamin (B)
3 Antipov, Mikhail (A) 1-0 Dambasuren, Batsuren (B)
4 Chandra, Akshat (B) ½-½ Bruzon, Lazaro (A)
5 Raja, Harshit (A) ½-½ Akobian, Var (B)
6 Theodorou, Nikolas (B) 1-0 Stearman, Josiah (A)

The Winter Chess Classic is played across three time controls: classical, rapid, and blitz, with classical games worth three points, rapid games worth two, and blitz one. The grandmasters continue to unfold the chessboard with each move bringing them closer to victory. As the players gear up for the rapid and blitz rounds, the intensity is sure to reach new heights. Stay tuned for more updates from this chess spectacle at Saint Louis University!
